Two worlds are literally colliding, and what different worlds they are. This is for a personal game project called Human Upgrade Labs. I'll be making a puzzle out of this illustration.

I've shared parts of this town as separate uploads before, but I wanted to show the whole thing after it has been finally completed. Not at full size of course, you will need to play the game for that. I made this for a personal puzzle game project of mine called Dream Mechanic and it's so close to being finished that I can smell it.
I'm adding final touches, all the artwork and coding has been done. I will upload the game very soon, but in the meanwhile, here is the demo version of it: https://ultra-shenanigans.itch.io/dream-mechanic

Will the great celestial instrument that fell from the sky enlighten the entire earth with it's rhythms? Will it destroy civilizations with it's unbearable sound? Only time will tell.
This is another illustration that will be used in a personal puzzle game project of mine. Check out the game so far on itch.io: https://ultra-shenanigans.itch.io/dream-mechanic
I wasn't quite happy with the last environmental painting I did, I think it lacked the sense of dept among other things. I wanted to try again and also I needed something music themed for the game and just like that, this was born. It always takes me a while until I can look back and evaluate my own past work with fresh eyes, but for now at least I am happier with this one.

So these are some environmental assets I painted for a personal game project Human Upgrade Labs. I just released an update with 5 new levels with these sprites in levels that are kinda a mix between 2d and 3d. You can try it out for free for windows here: https://ultra-shenanigans.itch.io/human-upgrade-labs

A giant monument engraved with scenes from all over history commemorating the most unlikely events since the formation of earth. However, the weight of history is substantial and now this statue stands in middle of nowhere so as to discourage learning about some of events it depicts. I drew this for a personal puzzle game project. In game each of the carvings on the statue serves as a little puzzle that needs to be untangled and also it helps to explain some of the background info for this strange story I'm making up.

A remote town built on a the palm of the remains of an ancient giant. Why is this town so segregated? Do they worship the giant and wait for the it's promised return? Do they fear the promised return? If not, then why would they build a town in such a secluded corner of the world? Well, some people just value their space and privacy more than others. You may even be able to visit this town. But please be polite, don’t make too much noise or display inappropriate levels of enthusiasm. If you take this advice and are very lucky, you might receive the fabled nod of acknowledgement. If you do, know that this is an invitation to visit again. So I painted this for fun like I tend to do. The hand I used for reference is of course mine, just more wrinkly and endowed with greener veins in this version. It took a quite a few tries until I managed to take a decent reference picture with my left hand holding the phone.

This is one of those paintings where it took quite a few months between when I had the idea and when I started painting. I wasn't sure if I could paint this decently enough and it needed to marinate in the brain for a bit.

A little experiment I painted. Probably will use it in my puzzle game in some capacity. Usually in painting it's all about the shading and values( the lightness or darkness of color) so I decided I should try painting something using only one value and see if I can make something using only different hues. Also I tend to use less saturated colors so this time it's as saturated and bright as it can get. If you put this thing in photoshop you literally can't raise the saturation any more and if you turn down the saturation all the way to zero it will be almost a completely same shade of gray all over, no mountain or anything else visible. Here's the link to the game I mentioned. It's free on itch: https://ultra-shenanigans.itch.io/human-upgrade-labs

There is no better way to wake up than being splashed by a whale floating by your open window. Or so I've been told.
This is something I drew for fun. I like to try all sorts of styles and techniques when I work on personal stuff and I felt like drawing using a messier linework this time. Coloring this thing took a whiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiile.
Also, mayhaps you should check out a project I already completed. This is is a link to a little puzzle game called Dream Mechanic available for free for windows here: https://ultra-shenanigans.itch.io/dream-mechanic

A little environmental piece I made for a personal project. I usually wouldn't bother to, but this time I made a 3d model to use as a reference for the flying saucer, because I wanted to use the model in another part of this game project. The saucer is a fairly simple design, but it still took quite a few iterations until I had something I liked. Also, mayhaps you should check out a project I already completed. This is is a link to a little puzzle game called Dream Mechanic available for free for windows here: https://ultra-shenanigans.itch.io/dream-mechanic

Meteors and Crowns
I just finished this for an online card game. The client asked me to come up with something to display as a victory image and this is the result.
Well, one of the results. I drew two victory images for the same project two years ago and I'm working on a different one as we speak. It's a fun project, I get an almost free reign on the image in terms of what is depicted, on the style etc.
Speaking of games, check out my personal game I finished recently. It's a little puzzle game called Dream Mechanic available for free for windows here: https://ultra-shenanigans.itch.io/dream-mechanic

Check out the game so far on itch.io: https://ultra-shenanigans.itch.io/dream-mechanic
I painted this for a personal project, a little puzzle game called Dream Mechanic. I took this as an opportunity to test some new brushes. I recently updated my software and it now has some painting brushes that actually feel fairly close to working with real paint, it simulates how the thick brushstrokes look and how the paint mix together quite well. I'm still not sure how useful they will be in my work, but they are fun to work with. I learned to paint in gouache originally, so it's kind of nostalgic.

This is an illustration I painted for a client.
This is from The Pilgrimage, an online serialized fantasy adventure, updating for free at walkthepilgrimage.com

This is an illustration I painted for a client last year.
This is from The Pilgrimage, an online serialized fantasy adventure, updating for free at walkthepilgrimage.com

This is a game background I made for a client. In the game it will be divided into several layers which are loop-able horizontally to make a parallax effect.

Where Distance Doesn't Exist Some environmental artwork I made for a personal game project. Check out the game so far on itch.io: https://ultra-shenanigans.itch.io/dream-mechanic

Here's an illustration I painted for a tabletop game earlier this year. With an addition of some overlays it will be used as the game board.

This is a bit of environmental artwork I made for a personal game project called Dream Mechanic. It's a puzzle game, but it also has a bunch of weird characters living in a very unusual little town and this will serve as a part of that. I have been avoiding normal looking plants for the entire environment to make it more surreal and for some good old fashioned shits and giggles. Coming up with unusual environments has been fun and I have plenty more ideas I want to include.

House of Flesh Yes, this is a house, though not a very cozy one.
This is once again for a personal game project of mine called Dream Mechanic. Check out the game so far on itch.io: https://ultra-shenanigans.itch.io/dream-mechanic

Crystal Home A little something from a personal game project of mine called Dream Mechanic. The game takes place in a very unusual town for which I need to design quite a few buildings and this is one of them. There are many more examples of artwork from this project in my gallery.

I need a bunch of illustrations for this game I'm making for funzies, to use as a base to make puzzles from. The way I have it set up, those images can be pretty much anything, so I'm challenging myself to work in a bunch of different styles and subject matters. The last image was literally and figuratively dark, horror themed illustration, so this time I wanted to make something light and chill and also use a bit of a different way of painting, and why not throw in an unusual canvas format into the mix as well.

Geode Moon This is a bit of environmental artwork I made for a personal game project.

This is a piece of environmental artwork I made for a personal game project, this serves as a small part or a strange town in which the game takes place. It's a secluded town, so people take a DIY approach to house construction and use whatever they have at hand.This house belongs to an inventor of sorts, a tinkerer, hence the wires all over the place.

Candle House
This is one of the environmental assets I just finished for a personal game project.

Tree Elevator
This is a piece of environmental artwork I made for a personal game project, this serves as a small part or a strange town in which the game takes place. One of the characters is an inventor/ tinkerer type and he's trying to innovate the town a bit.

This is a piece of environmental artwork I made for a personal game project, this serves as a small part or a strange town in which the game takes place. I'm trying to design the whole environment in the game without using too many commonly seen plants like normal trees, so I chose to go with brambles and come up with some nonexistent plants.

Paranoia Street
This is a piece of artwork I made for a personal game project. This is going to serve as a dream of one of the characters, and as you might imagine, this character isn't having the best time.

Here are some environmental sprites from a game I'm making(a personal project where I make absolutely everything myself).

I'm doing some client work for a game project, making all sorts of concept pieces inspired by different civilizations from history. Here is something inspired by Egyptian architecture.

This is a piece of environmental artwork from a game I'm making(a personal project where I make absolutely everything myself).

This is another piece of environmental artwork from a game I'm making(a personal project where I make absolutely everything myself). Every character in the game will have a "house" of some sort and this is one of those.

This is another piece of environmental artwork from a game I'm making(a personal project where I make absolutely everything myself).

Here's a background for a card game I made for a client.

This is another piece of environmental artwork from a game I'm making(a personal project where I make absolutely everything myself). This is a temple for a small cult/ religion that is all about sound and music.

Soooooo, I am making a game ( personal project for once), and this is the first major environmental asset I painted for it. The game is happening in a small strange town and a lot of it is about exploring the town, many objects will be interactable in one way or another.

Bramble House
This is another environmental asset from a game I'm making for fun

So a while ago I uploaded a few tiles I made for a board game called Dead Throne. Here is another one, probably the last one I will upload since the remaining ones are fairly visually similar and only have different layouts.
This and over 20 others are used as game boards and can be arranged in any manner you like during the game to create different play fields. These are huge god damn boards and the play field can become absurd in size, which I of course enjoy a lot.

This is one of the game tiles I made for a board game called Dead Throne.

This is one of the game tiles I made for a board game called Dead Throne.
This and over 20 others are used as game boards and can be arranged in any manner you like during the game to create different play fields. These are huge god damn boards and the play field can become absurd in size, which I of course enjoy a lot.

Grayloch Swamp

So a while ago I uploaded a couple tiles I made for a board game called Dead Throne. Since then I made a bunch more and can only start uploading some of those only now because of several boring reasons( awesome vacation and such).
This and over 20 others are used as game boards and can be arranged in any manner you like during the game to create different play fields. These are huge god damn boards and the play field can become absurd in size, which I of course enjoy a lot.

This is an illustration I recently did for a client which will be used in a horror game. Some of the characters in the game live underwater and this is a little scene depicting some of that.
©Lucid Soul

New illustration, right of the press!
I just finished this for an online card game. The client asked me to come up with something to display as a victory image and this is the result.

Stairway to the Starts - making a game
I'm making a little game for Android( personal project), and this is a background from the game.
I have been working on this for a while now, sketching everything out and programming all the mechanics and it's finally ready to start getting some actual art.

This is one of several simple background illustrations I was commissioned to do for a browser game about learning Japanese. Anyone who has ever touched a game controller or a keyboard button knows instinctively that educational games are boring to the point of causing self harm, but hopefully my work will help to minimize the horrible experience of trying to learn a new language.

So this is one of the game boards for a game called Dead Throne. Just finished this one a few days ago and I'm pretty happy with how it turned out(damn it took a lot of time to make). Some objects on the board are much bigger than they actually would be compared to each other, because they need to be clearly visible for gameplay purposes.

A few more background pieces from my little-personal-puzzle-y-android-game-goofy-treasure-hunt-thingy I'm working on. It is happening and these adorable plants will decorate some of the levels.

This is a little map I recently made for a browser game.

The Cottage
This is one of several simple background illustrations I was commissioned to do for a browser game about learning Japanese. Anyone who has ever touched a game controller or a keyboard button knows instinctively that educational games are boring to the point of inducing floor punching, but hopefully my work will help to minimize the worst pain imaginable of trying to learn a new language.

The Shed
This is one of several simple background illustrations I was commissioned to do for a browser game about learning Japanese. Anyone who has ever touched a game controller or a keyboard button knows instinctively that educational games are boring to the point of defeating the whole purpose of making a game at times, but hopefully my work will help to minimize the pain and horror of trying to learn a new language.

This is one of several simple background illustrations I was commissioned to do for a browser game about learning Japanese. Anyone who has ever touched a game controller or a keyboard button knows instinctively that educational games are boring to the point of causing ADD, but hopefully my work will help to minimize the unimaginable horror of trying to learn a new language.

This is one of several simple background illustrations I was commissioned to do for a browser game about learning Japanese. Anyone who has ever touched a game controller or a keyboard button knows instinctively that educational games are boring to the point of being worse than not playing any games at all and just staring at static on the monitor, but hopefully my work will help to minimize the unbearable horror of trying to learn a new language.

I did a lot of pixel work for a retro rpg called Arelite Core over a span of a year or so, last ones being done several months ago. Most of them are repeating textures, smaller items and similar assets, but from time to time I had to do a bit larger assets like this one, which I enjoyed quite a lot. None of the head ache of making sure everything is seamlessly repeatable and takes less time than the same number of tiles in separate objects. This sort of work was probably the most relaxing from all the different assets I made for this project.

This is one of several simple background illustrations I was commissioned to do for a browser game about learning Japanese. Anyone who has ever touched a game controller or a keyboard button knows instinctively that educational games are boring to the point of being discouraged by doctors, but hopefully my work will help to minimize the brain cell destroying horror of trying to learn a new language.

This is one of several simple background illustrations I was commissioned to do for a browser game about learning Japanese. Anyone who has ever touched a game controller or a keyboard button knows instinctively that educational games are boring to the point of being classified as psychological warfare and have arguably caused cases of shell shock, but hopefully my work will help to minimize the crushing, mind bending horror of trying to learn a new language.

This is one of several simple background illustrations I was commissioned to do for a browser game about learning Japanese. Anyone who has ever touched a game controller or a keyboard button knows instinctively that educational games are boring to the point of being considered as a war crime in some countries, but hopefully my work will help to minimize the crushing, mind altering horror of trying to learn a new language.
Despite being an anime and manga fanboy, I never actually drew any dojos, or ninjas or other stereotypical Japanese stuff, so that's something.

This one's a bit older, has some age to it, like a fine wine. I drew this a few months ago, close to a year possibly, but not all stuff can be uploaded straight to portfolio land the second I complete it due to various circumstances and I wanted to share some more of my background work.
This is one of several simple background illustrations I was commissioned to do for a browser game about learning Japanese. Anyone who has ever touched a game controller or a keyboard button knows instinctively that educational games are boring to the point of being classified as evil, but hopefully my work will help to minimize the crushing, mind bending horror of trying to learn a new language.

Here we have a super old and super huge tower, so overgrown with plant life that it's half building, half tree by this point. Ok, maybe, 51 percent building and 49 percent tree.
A little something from a personal project of mine. I don't want to talk too much about it because it's something I haven't done before and I don't even know for sure that I will be able to complete it, but I have been working on it little by little for a few months now and stuffs happening, things are being made, so possibly more artwork will follow. I'm just going to tell that I had to start learning some programing after a 10 year gap since the last time I coded anything and surprisingly it's pretty interesting.

Wind Temple
An illustration I did recently for an album cover. This is only my second time illustrating for music, but in both cases the descriptions were very lax on what should be depicted and that gave me a lot of freedom. Which I, of course, enjoy a lot.

Resurrectionists Game Board
Another one of the never ending board/ card game illustrations I work on. In this case I illustrated a game board for a game about digging up corpses in a cemetery, so in other words, my kind of game.
The game uses four identical boards which can be connected in different ways and in all of them the paths have to align. I have worked on many a repeatable pattern, so you would think this would be easy, but the size of the board made the tiniest misalignment look bigger. Well, it worked out in the end and I managed to make those bastards line up properly anyway, so all is good with the world.

A fairly simple background illustration I did for a client a few weeks ago. This serves as a test background in early stages of game production.
Strangely enough I have some real life reference of an asylum, as one of my art school buildings was a repurposed asylum( at least they told us it was repurposed). That building was crappy as hell, but where else could you throw paint at the walls, and no one would care? It had it's advantages.

This is an illustration I for a children's book, which is probably quite obvious from the excessive sweetness of the whole thing. If I remember correctly, I also was working on some monsters with their guts out for another project on the same day I finished this. I also sometimes inadvertently make the characters in these children's book illustrations look evil and don't notice before having that pointed out to me. I wonder if these two things have anything to do with each other?

Here are a few backgrounds I made for a game project. They all have a large relatively flat middle-ground because of the way the game works and to allow space for characters to be placed. That was quite a challenge really, I apparently have this instinct of filling the whole image with detail that would get in the way of the characters and I had to turn that down when sketching.

Blue Forest
This is a background I did recently for a game project. The forest is drawn on four separate layers in order to use them for a parallax effect, in other words, the layers are moved at different speeds in order to create an illusion of perspective. Also all layers are loopable as shown at the bottom.

A Place to Visit

A Place to Visit Part 2

"Red Ships"
Still drawing rocks and trees. How exiting, I know. For some reason I haven't drawn anything reflective or metal in quite a while, so the ships were fun to work on.

"Valley of Flying Trees"
Largely an excuse to draw tree and rock textures. So relaxing.

"Forest of Fakes"
A strange place where a race of eccentric giants spend their days pretending to be trees. Well, trying to pretend to be trees. Most of them are not very good at it. Why they do this? Who knows, people tried asking the giants themselves, but they are extremely dedicated to their act and trees usually don’t talk. The most popular theory is that they find this kind of behavior hilarious.

"The Throne Room"
Designed to impress and to intimidate, this is the kind of throne room that every monarch wants, but few can pull off.