These are some of the items from a little game I made for Android phones called Collection Perfection

These are a couple unusual items from my a little game I made for Android phones called Collection Perfection. It's completely free and you would be doing a disservice to yourself by not checking it out:
Anyway, it's a little game about collecting strange treasures abandoned in an old labyrinthine tower by long dead weirdos. These are two of 15 treasures and you can find out more about it if you complete the level in which they are located. Though honestly I doubt many people can get to it. The game starts easy, but it gets hard quickly and the the ring is found in the later levels.
I did everything for the game including the programming, but despite that it works. No phones have cough fire yet.

These are some of the background sprites from a game I made for Android phones and if you haven't seen it, here is a link to it. It's completely free and you would be doing a disservice to yourself by not checking it out:
It's a little game about collecting strange treasures abandoned in an old labyrinthine tower by long dead weirdos. There are 15 treasures and you can find them and encounter these creepy objects the while wondering through the game as well. All 15 treasures are very different from each other, but all of them are strange in some way. Though honestly I doubt many people can get all of them. The game starts easy, but it gets hard quickly.
I did everything for the game including the programming, but despite that it works. No phones have cough fire yet.

Cage of the Breathless
This cage with a goofy little ghost stuck in it is from a game I made for Android phones and if you haven't seen it, here is a link to it. It's completely free and you would be doing a disservice to yourself by not checking it out:
It's a little game about collecting strange treasures abandoned in an old labyrinthine tower by long dead weirdos. This cage is one of 15 treasures and you can find out more about it if you complete the level in which it is located. All 15 treasures are very different from each other, but all of them are strange in some way. Though honestly I doubt many people can get to it. The game starts easy, but it gets hard quickly.
I did everything for the game including the programming, but despite that it works. No phones have cough on fire yet.

People, I have a big announcement to make: my first game is complete. It's called Collection Perfection, I just uploaded it to the app store and you can give it a try if you have an android phone right now:
It's free and when I say free, I mean free. No ads, nothing. Try it now, Do it! You know you are curious to see what weird stuff I came up with.
Anyway, it's a little game about collecting strange treasures abandoned in an old labyrinthine tower by long dead weirdos. This ring is one of 15 treasures and you can find out more about it if you complete the level in which it is located. Though honestly I doubt many people can get to it. The game starts easy, but it gets hard quickly and the the ring is found in the later levels.

So here is a little something from a personal project of mine, some of the environmental assets that will be used in a tiny Android puzzle game about collecting goofy treasures I'm making. I mentioned the game a time or two before, but didn't wan't to talk too much about it because I wasn't sure at all if I could figure out how to make a game by myself at all, even a very simple one, it's basically just an experiment to see if I can.
But now stuff has progressed, most of the levels are finished, stuff is being worked out and the stuff is working and I figured out a bit more about how to program the bastard to working condition so it's time to share a bit more.

A few more background pieces from my little-personal-puzzle-y-android-game-goofy-treasure-hunt-thingy I'm working on. It is happening and these adorable plants will decorate some of the levels.

Here we have a super old and super huge tower, so overgrown with plant life that it's half building, half tree by this point. Ok, maybe, 51 percent building and 49 percent tree.
A little something from a personal project of mine. I don't want to talk too much about it because it's something I haven't done before and I don't even know for sure that I will be able to complete it, but I have been working on it little by little for a few months now and stuffs happening, things are being made, so possibly more artwork will follow. I'm just going to tell that I had to start learning some programming after a 10 year gap since the last time I coded anything and surprisingly it's pretty interesting.