Naive Human Machine

Space Whale Castle
This one was both fun and challenging. There's a bunch stuff going on and a bunch different perspectives in one image and a lot of rooms viewable from different angles.
The client asked me to draw a space whale with a castle on it's back for his D&D campaign. Also, to rephrase just a bit, I was asked to draw this in a way that would resemble M. C. Escher if he was really into Lovecraftian horror.

I designed a banknote - the Infinibuck. It's for a personal game project called Human Upgrade Labs. I am making a bargaining minigame/ puzzle and I don't, strictly speaking, need this banknote, but it seemed like a fun thing to draw. Like always this took way longer than it should have to make.

A little while ago I drew a tiny micro comic about a couple of overworked bio-engineers constructing a monster. And here is said monster. Did I know at the time what sort of monster it will be? No, of course not. I did know that I want to draw the monster, when I do come up with a design, in a style of a diagram or a presentation with description text, analysis and etc. Both the comic and this monster illustration will be used in a game I'm making for funzies. Maybe I can show off a very alpha version of the game "relatively" soon. I do have a decent amount of playable stuff mostly ready. On another note, you should check out a game I already completed. This is is a link to a little puzzle game I made called Dream Mechanic available for free for windows here: https://ultra-shenanigans.itch.io/dream-mechanic

Here's a map I drew for a client for a book series called "Estado de Holograma" and it will have 5 books in total. The books will be going on Kickstarter early next year and they are is Spanish only, but there are plans to translate everything into English as well. A brief synopsis: A long time ago on a far away planet ravaged by magical wars and holographic technology. Two little boys named Gram and Levit were born and orphaned from birth. Cared for by Stine, a mysterious man who would become their only family, they would learn to survive and use their ancestral intelligence inherited from their parents. Motivated by the wonder of life on this unknown planet and their desire to know outer space. Gram and Levit embark on an adventurous journey at the tender age of 12, to gather the pieces to build their own spaceship. However, their personal goal will become more complicated... as apocalyptic mysteries are uncovered, and the great secret of The Hologram state is revealed.

A tiny comic I drew about making a monster and unreasonable demands of a troublesome boss. The plan is to use this as an intro for a level in puzzle game I'm making for funzies.
I haven't attempted drawing anything resembling a comic page in 8 years or so. And those couple old attempts were too terrible to speak of anyway( they really were, I mean they were impressively shit). Also I wanted to draw something using as good crosshatching as I could. In my opinion crosshatching can look very cool if done well, but it does have one serious drawback. Repeat after me: CROSSHATCHING IS TIME CONSUMING. Yes it is.
P. S. The monster itself will be revealed later.
On another note, you should check out a game I already completed. This is is a link to a little puzzle game I made called Dream Mechanic available for free for windows here: https://ultra-shenanigans.itch.io/dream-mechanic

Something I drew for a client's D&D campaign.

Here's a board game map I drew for a client last year. And here's a link to the pre-release page for the game: http://carabasgame.com Also check out my personal project that includes a ton of strange artwork. It's a scifi themed puzzle game available for free on itchio: https://ultra-shenanigans.itch.io/human-upgrade-labs

Here's a map I drew for a client recently. It's fun to work on an underground map like this, it's a rarer bread.

The Shattered Reigns map This is a map I drew fro a book called A Mark of Kings. It's nice to be able to share a map finally. I drew several maps for various clients in previous year, but sadly almost all of them are still under an NDA. Luckily this one exited spoiler territory much quicker because of a successful kickstarter that just ended and included this in it.

Some Cards, Some Blood, Some Kitchen Knives

First book from the DemonWars series by R.A. Salvatore are getting a new fancy edition and I was contacted to make a new version of the old map from over 20 years ago, I think. The story takes place in the Lands of Corona. Here's the Kickstarter for this new edition, check it out: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/wraithmarked/dw1

So I have been working on maps and other assets for multiple table top games for a client Into The Unknown for a good long while. The thing is, these are large projects and it seems like the parts I tend to work on are in heavy spoiler territory as well, so I have not been able to share much of it yet. These are small parts of the cycle I and II maps I drew for Aeon Trespass: Odyssey game. You might even notice that next to my signature it says "around 2021" and that's both because these are pieces from two maps and also because I changed two ssd drives in the mean time and the creation dates on the files don't show up correctly and I'm too lazy to go find the exact dates, haha.

And here's another map I drew for a client, for a book. A top down map this time, which is a rarer type for me. A few days ago I emailed a few people about projects that were still under NDAs last time I checked and several pieces I worked on were released from that, so now I have several maps I need to portfolioize, haha Also check out my personal project that includes a ton of strange artwork. It's a scifi themed puzzle game available for free on itchio: https://ultra-shenanigans.itch.io/human-upgrade-labs

Here's something I drew for a personal game project called Human Upgrade Labs. It's used in a mini game where you have to sort out the separate images into the working gif. There are four of these transformation gifs in all and this is the only one that is cartoony/animeish. I have this whole thing in the game where one country is obsessed with cartoons and emulates the cartoon look in real life using futuristic hand-wavy technologies and this gif is connected to that part of the game. Here is a non-final, but fully playable version of the game for pc: https://ultra-shenanigans.itch.io/human-upgrade-labs

Recently I added a map/ gallery to my personal game project Human Upgrade Labs. For the reasons of lore and fun the map is cube shaped, and this is the flattened version of that Cube Earth, as well as a gif of how the map looks in the game currently. In the game this is more or less the base of the map and further details are added as you complete levels and unlock more stuff. Here is the game, it's a puzzle/mini game based game for windows and it completely free ( for now ). Let me know what you think if you give it a try: https://ultra-shenanigans.itch.io/human-upgrade-labs

Recently I added a map/ gallery to my personal game project Human Upgrade Labs. For the reasons of lore and fun the map is cube shaped, and this is the flattened version of that Cube Earth, as well as a gif of how the map looks in the game currently. In the game this is more or less the base of the map and further details are added as you complete levels and unlock more stuff. Here is the game, it's a puzzle/mini game based game for windows and it completely free ( for now ). Let me know what you think if you give it a try: https://ultra-shenanigans.itch.io/human-upgrade-labs

Microscopic Horrors

A map I drew for a client's D&D campaign.

A little map I drew for a client, for a book a couple months ago. Unlike most maps I tend to make, this one's from a bird's eye view rather than from a sort of isometric-ish perspective.

A few unusual animals I drew for a personal game project, like in the other two earlier uploads. The game is set far in the future where you are able to alter your appearance almost without limit with the help of genetic engineering, android technology and other hand wavy methods. And of course it was only a matter of time until pets would be altered to suit anyone's tastes as well. If you think that wouldn't happen in real life then I encourage you to take a good look at our little friend - the pug.

A few tough animals I drew for a personal game project.

There is no better way to wake up than being splashed by a whale floating by your open window. Or so I've been told.
This is something I drew for fun. I like to try all sorts of styles and techniques when I work on personal stuff and I felt like drawing using a messier linework this time. Coloring this thing took a whiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiile.
Also, mayhaps you should check out a project I already completed. This is is a link to a little puzzle game called Dream Mechanic available for free for windows here: https://ultra-shenanigans.itch.io/dream-mechanic

A few months ago I made a drawing with a couple futuristic nonsense motorcycles I 3d modeled for that image. I wasn't entirely happy with the designs and the illustration overall so I decided that I could make a better version. Also I recently bought a 3d printer because I need another hobby to fill the time I don't have and I really wanted to print something I made that's a bit fancier. Because of that I might have gone a bit overboard on how precise and detailed I made the 3d model. I certainly didn't need to do that just to export the lineart for this.
Also I intend to use this illustration for a little game I'm making for fun, So why don't you check out a game I already completed. This is is a link to a little puzzle game called Dream Mechanic available for free for windows here: https://ultra-shenanigans.itch.io/dream-mechanic

Some items I sketched out for a personal project.

Client work. I haven't made many underground maps before. Now that I think of it, have I made any?

The Second map I drew for an upcoming project by Level 99 Games ( www.level99games.com ).

Wolf Huntress, Bookish Barb, Starving Demon, Blob
Some characters ideas I sketched out for fun. They have nothing to do with any project, but I might make a full painting or something if I end up liking some character way more than others.

Here's a map I drew for a client a couple months ago. I was asked to put a watermark on these for now, but hopefully it doesn't interfere in the viewing experience too much.
On another note, I also keep working on personal projects, not just client work. This is is a link to a little puzzle game I made called Dream Mechanic available for free for windows here: https://ultra-shenanigans.itch.io/dream-mechanic

There is no end to the innovative attractions at the Robot Fair, they have everything you could possibly imagine. You can take a quick ride in a giant robot, you can buy yourself a mecha pet, you can rent a variety of mechanical exoskeletons, you can talk with and be terrified of the cog spitting Giant Face of Robotic Doom or simply admire Punchtleman or Femme Robotica and wonder about why would they even build something like that. Even the advertisements seem less annoying at the Robot Fair.
I drew this for a personal project, a little puzzle game. Though about trying out a sort of cell shaded style this time. Check out the game so far on itch.io: https://ultra-shenanigans.itch.io/dream-mechanic

Client work. Drawing islands shaped like dragons is always fun.
On another note, I also keep working on personal projects, not just client work. This is is a link to a little puzzle game I made called Dream Mechanic available for free for windows here: https://ultra-shenanigans.itch.io/dream-mechanic

Here's another map into the collection. The client asked me not to mention any details about what the map will be used for just yet, but I'm sure you will be able to enjoy the image without that context.
On another note, I also keep working on personal projects, not just client work. This is is a link to a little puzzle game called Dream Mechanic available for free for windows here: https://ultra-shenanigans.itch.io/dream-mechanic

This is a map I drew for a client last year and I'm finally able to share it.
This was made for The Pilgrimage, an online serialized fantasy adventure, updating for free at walkthepilgrimage.com
On another note, I also keep working on personal projects, not just client work. This is is a link to a little puzzle game I made called Dream Mechanic available for free for windows here: https://ultra-shenanigans.itch.io/dream-mechanic

I drew this for an online card game. The client asked me to come up with something to display as a victory image and I could draw pretty much any illustrations as long as I had that usage in mind. This is the sixth illustration for this project I made so far.
Speaking of games, check out my personal game I finished recently. It's a little puzzle game called Dream Mechanic available for free for windows here: https://ultra-shenanigans.itch.io/dream-mechanic

Meteors and Crowns
I just finished this for an online card game. The client asked me to come up with something to display as a victory image and this is the result.
Well, one of the results. I drew two victory images for the same project two years ago and I'm working on a different one as we speak. It's a fun project, I get an almost free reign on the image in terms of what is depicted, on the style etc.
Speaking of games, check out my personal game I finished recently. It's a little puzzle game called Dream Mechanic available for free for windows here: https://ultra-shenanigans.itch.io/dream-mechanic

Motorcycle Dreams. For a personal project.

A little something I drew for a client, for a fantasy webcomic Gaia.
I haven't uploaded a map in a while, have I? I actually drew several map since my last upload, but almost all of them happen to be under an NDA still. Except for this one of course.

Reactor and Escape Pod. Here are a couple tiles I made for a client's board game.

Some characters I designed and illustrated for a client, for a game project called Lovecraft: The Musical, a tentacle opera.

Broken Lands
It has been a good long while since I uploaded a map, hasn't it? The thing is, I drew several large maps this year, it's just that most of them happen to still be under an NDA. Hopefully I can share those soon as well.
I completed this one only a couple days ago though. Hope you like it.

Phobia Market
Once again I have a strange illustration from a little personal game project of mine to share. I don't have any phobias myself ( though some trypophobic images do creep me out at times), but I do find them fascinating. Here we have a few phobias depicted as monsters. Hopefully none of you have any phobias depicted in this.

Here's a map I finished earlier this week. This was made for a client.

Goddess Of Light And Dark
Illustration I drew for a client.

Creation of the Solar System.
So. This illustration is for that personal game project, Dream Mechanic, I keep rambling about. I needed some sort of drawing to be used as a dream for an astronomer character, and I though a map of the solar system would be cool. I did have that idea some months ago and the concept changed a bit while I had it sitting on my brain. I still wanted to keep some aspects of a map. For example I included the correct number of moons and named the better known ones. Good thing I dropped the idea of including all the moon names, just Saturn has 82 of them( they discovered some more just last year). Also poor Pluto, but I decided to exclude it from the planets, to keep with the times.

Here's a map I just finished for a client. This one focused quite a bit on giant creatures of all sorts.

I need a bunch of of varied illustrations for a little puzzle game I'm making and this is one of them. Usually I make fairly detailed and precise stuff, so this time I wanted to make something sketchy for a change.

This is a piece of artwork I made for a personal game project. This is going to serve as a dream of one of the characters and each of these dream images will be turned into a sort of a puzzle. The idea is to make all the dreams as different as I can.
This one is for a character that's meant to be a writer, so I thought it would be cool to incorporate text as a visual element. I didn't want to use generic text, so most of it is random, stream of consciousness nonsense I wrote. It's best not to try reading too much of it, unless you enjoy headaches.

I have been doing some concept art for a clients game project and one of the things that I had to do was design some animals. Here are a few from a deserty part of the world.

I was commissioned to make three alien world themed maps: this one of the solar system and another two that depict two of the planets in closer detail.

Endless Autumn Map
Here's a map I just finished for a client. If you think this didn't take me long because I uploaded another map a few days ago, than you would be wrong. I was working on a couple map commissions at the same time and this one in particular took a fair bit of effort.

I was commissioned to do a few alien world maps and pretty much all the details were up to me. Usually that's not the case, clients have quite a few specifications for maps, so cases like this one are interesting and let me flex my creative muscles a bit. This map started from an idea I had to make an environment shaped by countless meteor impacts.

Red Planet
I was commissioned to do an alien world map and pretty much all the details were up to me. Usually that's not the case, clients have quite a few specifications for maps, so cases like this one are interesting and let me flex my creative muscles a bit. One of the ideas I had was to draw two different species kinda battling it out on the scale of the entire planet, changing the environment as they go along. So that's what this map is: the species on the left live in huge shielded cities, and the species on the right mostly live underwater, preferring a more rustic approach, where they grow most of their buildings, weapons, etc.

I have been doing some concept art for a clients game project and one of the things that I had to do was design some animals. Here are a few from a deserty part of the world.

World Of Etria
A little map I made for a client recently.

I have been doing some concept art for a clients game project and one of the things that I had to design some animals. The designs were up to me, as long as I stuck with sea theme.

Map of Indines
This map was made for: https://www.level99games.com/
Hope you like it.

I'm doing some client work for a game project, making all sorts of concept pieces inspired by different civilizations from history. Here is something inspired by Egyptian architecture.

In the Sea With All of My Things
This is a piece of artwork I made for a personal game project.

A while ago I drew a map for a client. I was commissioned again to draw a larger version of one of the cities from that map and here it is.

I'm doing some client work for a game project, making all sorts of concept pieces inspired by different civilizations from history. Here are some obelisk concepts inspired by Egyptian architecture.

Egyptian Statues 2
I'm doing some client work for a game project, making all sorts of concept pieces inspired by different civilizations from history. Here are a couple statue concepts inspired by Egypt.

I'm doing some client work for a game project, making all sorts of concept art pieces inspired by different civilizations from history. Currently I'm working on some Egypt inspired environmental concepts, so here are a couple murals.

I'm doing some client work for a game project, making all sorts of concept pieces inspired by different civilizations from history. Here are a couple statue concepts, care to guess by which civilization they were inspired?

Sky Serpents
This is a little drawing I made in my spare time for funzies and giggles.

the most detailed and complex map I have done

Recently I have been doing some concept art for a clients game project and one of the things that I had to design was a few animals. I had to have a feathered jaguar-like animal, like you can see in the middle here and the other ones were mostly up to me. Also I needed to draw stylized icons for each animal, so that's what those drawings at the bottom are.

I'm doing some client work for a game project, designing and illustrating various things. Here are some cathedral concepts from it.

I'm doing some client work for a game project, designing and illustrating various things. Here are some castle concepts from it.

Dog Walker
Well only one of those animals is technically a dog, but it's the best kind of dog so I think that counts for something.
I just drew this little thing for fun. It's a good way to practice my linework, drawing animals and mechanical design at the same time.

Here is another map I made for a client.

God damn this took a lot of work, but I'm quite happy with the result.
I made this map for a client and it will be used in a computer game. I had to draw it at a really high resolution, so there was a lot of small detail work involved.

Victory Planet
So this is an illustration I made for an online card game. The client asked me to come up with something to display as a victory image and this is the result.

Card Castle Supreme
New illustration, right of the press!
I just finished this for an online card game. The client asked me to come up with something to display as a victory image and this is the result.

I'm doing some client work for a game project, designing stuff and drawing other stuff. Here are some house concepts from it.

Map of Tempris

So this is another map I just finished. This is for a client's LitRPG book series. Often there is a lot of water and such in the map which requires much less detail and time and this time I didn't have a lot of that and the map took quite a while to make.

It dawned on me that I haven't drawn any spaceships in like years, and the ones I did draw back when were absolute garbage, so this seemed like a nice change of pace.

A couple card illustrations from the game Ghost Hunter: Angels & Demons I recently worked on.

This is another little map I completed recently for a client's book. The continent at the top right is separated because in the story it's a magical land not accessible by regular means( you need dem portals).

So here's another map I just completed for a client. I enjoy making these map illustration, but they take a huge amount of time to complete compared to pretty much any other type of commission I do.

This is map for World of Veles for an upcoming board game called Dead Throne I finished a couple weeks ago.

Warmheart Crest
The fifth and final family crest I did for the Pentamerous book project.

This is one of six maps I recently made for Cloak & Coin Roleplaying game for Red Turban Press. The main one depicts an ancient ruined city overgrown with jungle and this is one of four maps( or building plans or how you want to call it) that depicts key buildings in more detail.

Ghost Hunters Playmat
I drew this playmat for Ghost Hunter card game series after I illustrated four decks for the game. The games are all based on various myths about witches, vampires, ghosts and monsters from around the world and this playmat contains illustrations of six creatures from each deck I designed. The fourth game just recently had a successful Kickstarter campaign and this playmat was one of the stretch goals.

This is the second map I illustrated for a fantasy book series, the first one depicting the whole world and this one a smaller region in much greater detail. Of course here I can only display a smaller version of the map, but the full version is quite huge as it will be used as a poster for promotional purposes and a simplified version of this will be used in the books themselves.
This was much more work than the first map to which I will link to, because this one contained much more land and therefore much, much more line work and shading to do, I was really kinda surprised myself how much of it there was. Well, it's my own fault, I sketched the thing and decided how detailed it should be in the first place.

This smaller and black & white version of the Hanoid map will be used in the book itself while the larger one will be printed as a poster.

I drew this map recently for a book project, but this image will also be used as a full size poster so I had to make it huge. Because of that this project was both interesting and challenging. I haven't made that many maps before and none of this size so this took some serious effort to complete. I also kinda regretted at the end that I decided to make most of the names in the map curved text because that took quite a bit more time than I expected, but after it was started, it had to be finished that way and I think it ended up looking better than it would have without it.

Tree of Life Tree of Death
An illustration I did recently for a board game. It illustrates the magic system used in the game which is heavily based in mythology which meant that I got to design and draw eleven little angels and ten little demons. They also all have really funky names.
I usually paint for client work as opposed to drawing, so this was a nice change of pace.

Rookhaven Crest
The forth family crest I did for the same book project, only one left after this one.

This is a map I recently made for a book project. I don't know too much about the story, but the map depicts a city in Norway some time in the future, hence the large circular buildings at the top, area being surrounded by snow and so on. This is only the third map I worked on and all three were very different, so it's interesting to challenge myself in the kind of projects that are quite new for me.

Guide's Crest
Another crest, quite self explanatory if you saw other stuff I uploaded from the same book project.

Champion's Crest
A few months ago I designed and illustrated a few crests for a fantasy book project, this is one of them. This has been quite an interesting part of the project, similar to designing logos, but much more enjoyable, because I can get ridiculous with amount of detail and ornamentation and not worry about streamlined minimalism and all that nonsense that a lot of graphic design demands. Not to mention fonts. Choosing fonts kinda sucks.

Spirit Crest
Recently I designed and illustrated a few crests for a fantasy book project, this is one of them. This has been quite an interesting part of the project, similar to designing logos, but much more enjoyable, because I can get ridiculous with amount of detail and ornamentation and not worry about streamlined minimalism and all that nonsense that a lot of graphic design demands.

These banners are a part of the work I did for a book recently. They will be used as backgrounds and decoration for character portraits and names which will be added in at a later time.
Normally I don't watermark my work, but in this case the author of the book requested it, since the book isn't published yet.

Gross Ghosts
A little more experimentation, a little bit more fun and weirdness.

tea Time
It might be obvious by the very existence of this image, but I enjoy tea. So Why not make a drawing that takes that appreciation and blows it up to ridiculous proportions, I thought to myself after a British person once commented on how much tea I drink, which, if you believe in the stereotype of tea-loving British people, would be quite an achievement. So this is what happened. Roughly from left to right we have the tea fountain, a tea serving butler monkey, something like a hundred jars and boxes containing the most unreal of teas, a selection of fruits, sweets and other paraphernalia that comes together with tea and of course the great tea brewing apparatus on the right. I will let you decide what hides behind the large door in the background.