Teaching a robot to feel. In a very literal way. By attaching it's hand to a hiving one and trying all sorts of materials on it to teach the robot to distinguish between different types of touch sensation.
This started when I was painting a different thing and wasn't happy with how I was unable to paint a mother of pearl texture that well. So I decided it would be a good idea to go back to basics for a moment and study some materials by painting them as realistically as I could from reference. Of course that sort of thing isn't the most exiting idea to work on and tends to get boring quite quickly so I thought making up a scene of some sort that uses a bunch of different materials would be more fun. I was right. I will also likely use this image for a little puzzle section in a game I'm making.
Also check out my previous game. This is a link to a little puzzle game called Dream Mechanic available for free for windows on itch.io: https://ultra-shenanigans.itch.io/dream-mechanic

Here are some masks/helmets I designed for a client, for a players handbook. Check out that project: https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/455415/Gauntlets--Gaslight-Players-Handbook-5E-Pathfinder-P2E-OSR

So, last year I designed and painted over 80 items for a client, Unlimited Realms, and I can finally share that artwork. Here are some random items from that project( I ran out of themes for these since not all of them were supposed sets of multiple armors or multiple swords or such). Check out the website and the module for DnD that includes these items https://unlimitedrealmsltd.com/ Also check out my personal project that includes hundreds of item designs, among other things. It's a scifi themed puzzle game for now available for free on itchio: https://ultra-shenanigans.itch.io/human-upgrade-labs

So I ran out of themes to group these items into, but i still have many to show off, so this time here is a more randomized selection: a locked book, a war drum and a lantern with a living flame. Check out the website and the module for DnD that includes these items https://unlimitedrealmsltd.com/ Also check out my personal project that includes hundreds of item designs, among other things. It's a scifi themed puzzle game for now available for free on itchio: https://ultra-shenanigans.itch.io/human-upgrade-labs

Here is a selection of items I painted fro a client last year: a cursed doll, a taxidermy parrot and a wooden mask. Check out the website and the module for DnD that includes these items https://unlimitedrealmsltd.com/

So, last year I designed and painted over 80 items for a client, Unlimited Realms, and I can finally share that artwork. Here is some headgear I designed for the project. Check out the website and the module for DnD that includes these items https://unlimitedrealmsltd.com/ Also check out my personal project that includes hundreds of item designs, among other things. It's a scifi themed puzzle game for now available for free on itchio: https://ultra-shenanigans.itch.io/human-upgrade-labs

Last year I designed and painted over 80 items for a client, Unlimited Realms, and I can finally share that artwork. Check out the website and the module for DnD that includes these items https://unlimitedrealmsltd.com/ Also check out my personal project that includes hundreds of item designs, among other things. It's a scifi themed puzzle game for now available for free on itchio: https://ultra-shenanigans.itch.io/human-upgrade-labs

So, last year I designed and painted over 80 items for a client, Unlimited Realms, and I can finally share that artwork. Here are some armors I designed for the project. Check out the website and the module for DnD that includes these items https://unlimitedrealmsltd.com/

Some more items I designed and painted for a client, Unlimited Realms. Check out the website and the module for DnD that includes these items https://unlimitedrealmsltd.com/ Also check out my personal project that includes hundreds of item designs, among other things. It's a scifi themed puzzle game for now available for free on itchio: https://ultra-shenanigans.itch.io/human-upgrade-labs

Last year I designed and painted over 80 items for a client, Unlimited Realms, and here are some of them. And that's correct, one of these swords is actually a butter knife. That one was fun to paint. Check out the website and the module for DnD that includes these items https://unlimitedrealmsltd.com/ On another note, I also keep working on personal projects, not just client work. This is is a link to a little puzzle game called Dream Mechanic available for free for windows here: https://ultra-shenanigans.itch.io/dream-mechanic

So, last year I designed and painted over 80 items for a client, Unlimited Realms, and I can finally share that artwork. Here is a little taste test of some capes and armor, but the list of things I worked on include everything from swords to a taxidermy parrot. Check out the website and the module for DnD that includes these items https://unlimitedrealmsltd.com/ On another note, I also keep working on personal projects, not just client work. This is is a link to a little puzzle game called Dream Mechanic available for free for windows here: https://ultra-shenanigans.itch.io/dream-mechanic

Something I drew for fun. I wanted to make some very stylized, almost logo-like designs.

Here are some items I painted for a client recently. I was asked to put a watermark on these for now, but hopefully it doesn't interfere in the viewing experience too much.
On another note, I also keep working on personal projects, not just client work. This is is a link to a little puzzle game I made called Dream Mechanic available for free for windows here: https://ultra-shenanigans.itch.io/dream-mechanic

Some items I sketched out for a personal project.

Some arrow designs I made for a client and by coincidence the project I made these for is on Kickstarter now: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/unlimitedrealmsltd/cyrans-magnificent-walking-marketplace
Ok, not by coincidence. I am sharing these now because they are no longer in spoiler territory because of said Kickstarter. You got me.

I painted this for use as a basis for a main menu for a little game I'm making in my free time.

Some items I designed for a clients book.

I have been doing some client work for an RPG campaign setting, designing various items. Here are some assorted killing devices from that project.

I have been doing some client work for an RPG campaign setting, designing various items. Here are some of them.

A little cute book I drew for a client. This will be used for menus in the game.

I have been doing some client work for an RPG campaign setting, designing various items. Here are some electrifying knickknacks for you.

Here's a bit of item art. I made these for a client as a part of a project that needed item and fantasy map artwork.

Some item artwork I made for a client

I have been doing some client work for an RPG campaign setting again, here are some masks/ helmets I made for the project.

So I'm working on a fairly large game project for a client which involves conceptualizing and drawing all sorts of things. Here are the banners I designed for a society called Valen in the story. From left to right the banners represent the rulers, the knights, the clergy and guards.

This is from a tabletop game I worked on recently for a client called Dungeon Forge. An interesting project, I was able to come up with all sorts of designs for the items such as these strange things.

These are a couple unusual items from my a little game I made for Android phones called Collection Perfection. It's completely free and you would be doing a disservice to yourself by not checking it out:
Anyway, it's a little game about collecting strange treasures abandoned in an old labyrinthine tower by long dead weirdos. These are two of 15 treasures and you can find out more about it if you complete the level in which they are located. Though honestly I doubt many people can get to it. The game starts easy, but it gets hard quickly and the the ring is found in the later levels.
I did everything for the game including the programming, but despite that it works. No phones have cough fire yet.

Recently I have been working on some items for RPG campaign setting for a client. I like to upload the items according to some sort of a theme, but that doesn't always work out since I have quite a few unusual items which refuse to be organized. On the left we have a throwing dart, in the middle greaves with slots for potions and on the right a food themed banner.

This is from a tabletop game I worked on recently for a client called Dungeon Forge. An interesting project, I was able to come up with all sorts of designs for the items such as these fancy things.

This is from a tabletop game I worked on recently for a client called Dungeon Forge. An interesting project, I was able to come up with all sorts of designs for the items such as these strange things.

People, I have a big announcement to make: my first game is complete. It's called Collection Perfection, I just uploaded it to the app store and you can give it a try if you have an android phone right now:
It's free and when I say free, I mean free. No ads, nothing. Try it now, Do it! You know you are curious to see what weird stuff I came up with.
Anyway, it's a little game about collecting strange treasures abandoned in an old labyrinthine tower by long dead weirdos. This ring is one of 15 treasures and you can find out more about it if you complete the level in which it is located. Though honestly I doubt many people can get to it. The game starts easy, but it gets hard quickly and the the ring is found in the later levels.

Recently I have been working on some items for RPG campaign setting for a client. Here we have two finger blades and a fancy and gauntlet full of sharpened bits I made for the project.

Recently I have been working on some items for RPG campaign setting for a client. These are some musical items I made for the project.

Recently I have been working on some items for RPG campaign setting for a client. These are some potion related stuff I made for the project.

Recently I have been working on some items for RPG campaign setting for a client. These are some pieces of head gear I made for the project.

Recently I have been working on some items for RPG campaign setting for a client. These are some of the weapons I made for the project.

Recently I have been working on some items for RPG campaign setting for a client. These are some pieces of head gear I made for the project.

Recently I have been working on some items for RPG campaign setting for a client. These are some masks/ helmets I made for the project.

Recently I have been working on some items for RPG campaign setting for a client. These are some of the nastier weapons I designed and illustrated.

So here is a little something from a personal project of mine, some of the environmental assets that will be used in a tiny Android puzzle game about collecting goofy treasures I'm making. I mentioned the game a time or two before, but didn't wan't to talk too much about it because I wasn't sure at all if I could figure out how to make a game by myself at all, even a very simple one, it's basically just an experiment to see if I can.
But now stuff has progressed, most of the levels are finished, stuff is being worked out and the stuff is working and I figured out a bit more about how to program the bastard to working condition so it's time to share a bit more.

This is from a tabletop game I worked on recently called Dungeon Forge. It's still in development, but the client didn't mind me sharing some of that work, as long as the logo is there. An interesting project, I was able to come up with all sorts of designs for the items such as these.

This is from a tabletop game I worked on recently called Dungeon Forge. It's still in development, but the client didn't mind me sharing some of that work, as long as the logo is there. An interesting project, I was able to come up with all sorts of designs for the items such as these.

This is from a tabletop game I worked on recently called Dungeon Forge. It's still in development, but the client didn't mind me sharing some of that work, as long as the logo is there. An interesting project, I was able to come up with all sorts of designs for the items such as these strange things: a couple spirit items, a couple pieces of armor and a couple potions.

This is from a tabletop game I worked on recently called Dungeon Forge. It's still in development, but the client didn't mind me sharing some of that work, as long as the logo is there. An interesting project, I was able to come up with all sorts of designs for the items such as these strange things.

This is from a tabletop game I worked on recently called Dungeon Forge. It's still in development, but the client didn't mind me sharing some of that work, as long as the logo is there. An interesting project, I was able to come up with all sorts of designs for the items such as these strange things. The red one on the left is a vampiric sword, the one on the right is a living sword and the one in the middle is a good old regular magic sword, if that makes sense.

I checked and it appears that I have the permission to upload work from this project sooner than I thought. I did a lot of pixel work for a retro rpg called Arelite Core over a span of a year or so, last ones being done several months ago. I have a lot of assets to pick from so this time I decided to sort them by subject matter. Starting with miscellaneous, just because it usually is last and I don't care for doing things in an orderly regular manner. Most of the work was various textures for nature and architecture, so these items are in the minority and really are miscellaneous, a couple picked from most levels in the game.

Aha!! You thought I wasn't doing pixel art anymore, but you were wrong!
These are from a client work I did a few months ago. The assets I was doing were quite random and not grouped in any coherent manner, so I decided not to try to separate them by theme or such, because it would be largely be useless. There's potions and there's some monsters, but mostly it's weapons and armor. I always enjoy designing and drawing that sort of stuff. Would share more pixel artwork of which I actually have quite a lot, a couple thousand tiles just waiting actually, but most of it is still under an NDA, so it will have to wait a bit longer.

Here are a few items I illustrated for for Cloak & Coin Roleplaying game for Red Turban Press. Recently I have been getting more commissions which involve designing and illustrating various items, which I enjoy a lot. About a year ago I came into some job postings where I needed examples of similar artwork to this, but unfortunately I didn't have that many and didn't get those jobs. So I started to work on more item illustrations during my spare time. Since then I started receiving these sorts of commissions and it's really nice that my extra effort seems to be paying off.

I was commissioned to illustrate some items for some sort of online role playing game or something, I am not entirely sure how it works, but here are some of those illustrations. I uploaded other items according to a theme and these are the leftovers, so to speak, which I couldn't classify very well, so here you go. Let's call it miscellaneous.
The book on the left has some sort of function connected to the dead, the one at the bottom let's the player reverse a choice, the one on the right enhances vision in some manner and I really couldn't tell you exactly what the jewel in the middle does, all I know is that it had to be shiny and jewel-y( it's a complicated game, give me some slack).

I was commissioned to illustrate some items for some sort of online role playing game or something, I am not entirely sure how it works, but here are some of those illustrations. The left potion is just a dye used to change the color of specific items, the middle one is for sweet sweet poisoning, and the right one is a good old classic health potion.

I was commissioned to illustrate some items for some sort of online role playing game or something, I am not entirely sure how it works, but here are some of those illustrations. The two items in the middle are phoenix feathers, they are used for resurrection and the other two have similar functions.

It's All About Dat Meat
I was commissioned to illustrate some items for some sort of online role playing game or something, I am not entirely sure how it works, but here are some of those illustrations. These work as healing items in the style of old video games where meat found in walls is really good for you for some reason.
Now that I think about it, I don't remember ever drawing meat before. Blood and guts - yes, but not meat. It's a strangely simple thing that managed to stay on the list of things I haven't drawn before for so long.

Rookhaven Crest
The forth family crest I did for the same book project, only one left after this one.

Spirit Crest
Recently I designed and illustrated a few crests for a fantasy book project, this is one of them. This has been quite an interesting part of the project, similar to designing logos, but much more enjoyable, because I can get ridiculous with amount of detail and ornamentation and not worry about streamlined minimalism and all that nonsense that a lot of graphic design demands.

Guide's Crest
Another crest, quite self explanatory if you saw other stuff I uploaded from the same book project.

Champion's Crest
A few months ago I designed and illustrated a few crests for a fantasy book project, this is one of them. This has been quite an interesting part of the project, similar to designing logos, but much more enjoyable, because I can get ridiculous with amount of detail and ornamentation and not worry about streamlined minimalism and all that nonsense that a lot of graphic design demands. Not to mention fonts. Choosing fonts kinda sucks.

A simple card game I illustrated recently. The game is about poisoning people and not getting discovered before everyone dies. Delightful. Three of the drinks are just regular drinks and one is the poison, guess which? Hint: it's the bright green one with the skulls in it.
The card on the left is the card back and the one on the right depicts the incognito poisoner supreme himself.

I made these three item illustrations a few months ago for a client's book projects. I wont go into detail about what these items do in the story as that might be spoilers, but all three of these items are called bardstones despite their very different look. You might be able to figure out what they do based on the name anyway.

So I decided to draw some items, because I haven't done that in a while and because I felt like it and it really makes me realize how much I need to learn. These were much harder to draw than they probably should have been and of course I had to make them overly fancy because that's just the way we do things around here( by we I mean me).
The first potion contains the essence of audacity and it's a hard substance to contain. That's why it's leaking.
The second makes you realize how small you are in comparison to the universe at large.
The third one lets you change your eye color and appearance, though what you get is random.
The forth one creates clones.
The fifth one makes the drinker deliciously evil.

Cute Axe, Adorable Mallet
Another experiment. I was really feeling like doing some more item designs and what is better than a huge metal bunny at the end of a pole heading at your face at high velocity? Pretty much nothing, that's what, except maybe decapitating someone with an axe that looks like it was designed by an insane toy maker who has a strange obsession with butterflies.

I wanted to practice some more on my drawing and the last items I drew had very precise linework so this time I decided to go much looser and imprecise and see what happens. Like mentioned before, I am attempting here to try out different styles and designs. During my work I can't always change up the styles that much so what better time to do that than on my own drawings I do for practice and fun. I have a feeling more experiments will continue to happen, I'm having fun trying to come up with different styles.