Naive Human Machine

Designing characters with over the top hairstyles is a bit of a theme for me. It's fun, it's an easy way to add some variety and the possibilities are endless. This one is definitely the most ridiculous though. I painted this fro a personal game project called Human Upgrade Labs and this image will serve as a base for a puzzle where you have to sneak some observation drones past this artificially created sentinel monster. The hair are supposed to be various sensors covering the entire region. Also this is one of those painting that I had brewing in the back of my head for a long while but i kept postponing because I wasn't sure if my skills were where they need to be yet. It's always a bit intimidating to start on a larger, more complicated piece, but in the end I'm quite happy with the result. And here's the game this painting will go into: https://ultra-shenanigans.itch.io/human-upgrade-labs

I've been drawing some monsters in my free time recently. It's fun and creepy, which is also a kind of fun. These are some of those fleshy abominations I came up with. Also I am planning to use most of these in a puzzle game I'm making for fun, available for free on itchio: https://ultra-shenanigans.itch.io/human-upgrade-labs And it already has a lot of monsters and various creepy spooky things.

A character I painted for a personal game project, partly inspired by the ongoing tax season. Really I'm not having that much trouble with it, but anyone who enjoys paying taxes has to be a sociopath by definition. Try out the game, it's called Human Upgrade Labs. Here is an early, but fully playable version of the game: https://ultra-shenanigans.itch.io/human-upgrade-labs

A little while ago I drew a tiny micro comic about a couple of overworked bio-engineers constructing a monster. And here is said monster. Did I know at the time what sort of monster it will be? No, of course not. I did know that I want to draw the monster, when I do come up with a design, in a style of a diagram or a presentation with description text, analysis and etc. Both the comic and this monster illustration will be used in a game I'm making for funzies. Maybe I can show off a very alpha version of the game "relatively" soon. I do have a decent amount of playable stuff mostly ready. On another note, you should check out a game I already completed. This is is a link to a little puzzle game I made called Dream Mechanic available for free for windows here: https://ultra-shenanigans.itch.io/dream-mechanic

Here's something I drew for a personal game project called Human Upgrade Labs. It's used in a mini game where you have to sort out the separate images into the working gif. I guess this is basically a simple animation, if you had way too few frames. I'm not exactly one to enjoy working on animation, but this was a pretty fun experiment since each of the frames is quite different from each other. Here is an early, but fully playable version of the game: https://ultra-shenanigans.itch.io/human-upgrade-labs

In Every Shadow
Check out the game so far on itch.io: https://ultra-shenanigans.itch.io/dream-mechanic
Something I painted for a personal game project called Dream Mechanic. It's a puzzle game and it needs a bunch of images that represent the dreams of characters and will be turned into puzzles. The dreams can be essentially anything. I had the idea to paint something like this - a room with every shadow full of monsters for months now. I also have a character in the game who's somewhat delusional and refuses to see the obvious, so I thought this idea for the dream would fit in.

He likes to sneak in middle of the night and watch you sleep. Maybe bite off a few toes. It's no big deal, no reason to get scared.
This is a piece of artwork I made for a personal game project. This is going to serve as a dream of one of the characters and each of these dream images will be turned into a sort of puzzle. The idea is to make all the dreams as different as I can.
I use sparaybrushes a little bit in my work, but I usually like to leave some of the brush texture visible. This time I thought it would be cool to try to paint something using almost exclusively basic spray brushes. I tried that a couple years ago,but the result was pretty garbola( technical term). I figured a simple composition would work best in this case, so that I could really focus on the fine textures and details and I kinda missed drawing monsters, so this is what happened. I also finished this surprisingly quickly, took me no more than 5 days.

A little something I painted for a client's board game set in Dante's Inferno. This will serve as part of the character board where you place cards, dice etc. Check out the project: https://gamefound.com/projects/top-decker/forsaken-dante-inferno?ref=search Also check out my personal project. It's a scifi themed puzzle game for now available for free for windows on itchio: https://ultra-shenanigans.itch.io/human-upgrade-labs

Microscopic Horrors

A little character I painted for fun and will probably use in a game I'm making. Sometimes gross is beautiful.

A few tough animals I drew for a personal game project.

A few fluffy pets I drew for a personal game project.

A couple more monsters I painted for a personal project.
Also, mayhaps you should check out a project I already completed. This is is a link to a little puzzle game called Dream Mechanic available for free for windows here: https://ultra-shenanigans.itch.io/dream-mechanic

I felt like painting some monsters( I guess I would call this a monster) and also I had an idea where I could use a four or five of them in a game I'm making. This is one of them.
Also, mayhaps you should check out a game I already completed. This is is a link to a little puzzle game called Dream Mechanic available for free for windows here: https://ultra-shenanigans.itch.io/dream-mechanic

Check out the game so far on itch.io: https://ultra-shenanigans.itch.io/dream-mechanic
Some monsters I painted for a personal game project called Dream Mechanic. Monsters are always fun, they allow for the imagination to run wild and to really goof around when coming up with designs. The only limitation I set for myself while designing these was that they should be body horror abominations of some sort.

I felt like painting some monsters and also I had an idea where I could use a few of them in a game I'm making.
So for one of them I grabbed a reference image from one of those free to use photo sites for reference, changed it up a bit while painting ( definitely because I wanted to and not because I'm not that good at painting people actually similar to the reference) and split it in half with a bunch of sharp teeth.
Also, mayhaps you should check out a game I already completed. This is is a link to a little puzzle game called Dream Mechanic available for free for windows here: https://ultra-shenanigans.itch.io/dream-mechanic

I painted this for an online card game. The client asked me to come up with something to display as a victory image and I could draw pretty much any illustrations as long as I had that usage in mind. This is the seventh illustration for this project.
Speaking of games, check out my personal game I finished recently. It's a little puzzle game called Dream Mechanic available for free for windows here: https://ultra-shenanigans.itch.io/dream-mechanic

Something is watching him. He is not entirely sure what exactly, but he knows someone is and he will do his best to protect himself. Admittedly his best isn't much.
This is a character I painted for a personal project, a little puzzle game. Check out the game so far on itch.io: https://ultra-shenanigans.itch.io/dream-mechanic

Another, this time extra creepy character I painted for a personal puzzle game project called Dream Mechanic.
Check out the game so far on itch.io: https://ultra-shenanigans.itch.io/dream-mechanic

Phobia Market
Once again I have a strange illustration from a little personal game project of mine to share. I don't have any phobias myself ( though some trypophobic images do creep me out at times), but I do find them fascinating. Here we have a few phobias depicted as monsters. Hopefully none of you have any phobias depicted in this.

Basically, I wanted to paint an eeeeevil still life. I do design and paint various items for work on occasion, but it has been years since the last time I painted any sort of still life, much less a still-life from imagination. I did use some reference for skull anatomy and such, but as you can imagine, it's not very easy to come up with samples of alien fetuses and disembodied hands, so this had to be drawn from imagination and not in the traditional still-life manner.

Here's another character for a game I'm making in my free time. I wanted something creepy, do you think it's creepy enough?

Return of a Broken Hero People see what they want to see and ignore the rest, this is just how we work. Sometimes this tendency can manifest in extreme ways. If a hero, beloved by all, returns from a dangerous journey, the defeat of whom would seem impossible and would never even be considered, than just for a brief moment people might ignore the terrible truth and celebrate instead. For any onlooker it would be obvious that the hero had died long ago and stayed frozen on his horse only by some miracle or coincidence, but children might be blinded by self deceit together with the rest and run to congratulate and play with the hero, not noticing anything unusual. That is, this might happen for just a brief moment, until reality would become impossible to ignore even with the help of the impressive power of the human mind, and everyone would start realizing the horrid truth.
This is a piece of artwork I made for a personal game project.

This is another character from a game I'm making, a personal project where I make absolutely everything myself. The game is about a town full of mutated people and this guy's mutation manifests as skulls. That is, every part of his body is slowly turning into skulls and having a liver in the shape of cow skull can't be healthy. The problem that being a giant Edgy Mc Edge Goth Guy to begin with, he kinda likes it.
Also if he spills his coffee, the stain will be in a shape of a skull; If he tears his pants, he will tear it in a shape of a skull etc...

I'm making a little game for Android( personal project), and these are the enemies.
I have been working on this for a while now, sketching everything out and coding all the mechanics and it's finally ready to start getting some actual art.

Throne Room of Horrors
A piece of concept art I painted a few weeks back for a game Called Lucid Soul. It's a horror game, if it's not obvious from this image.

Once again, after a fairly long pause, I give you monsters. These are some of the updates to the monster collection I designed and painted for a project I originally worked on around two years ago.
Top left - ice dragon
Top right - fire dragon
Bottom left - storm dragon
Bottom right - ancient dragon
Commisioned by furvilla.com

These are some of the new updates to the monster collection I designed and painted for a project I originally worked on around two years ago. I think the game now has around 80 of my monsters of various shapes and sizes. Most creatures had one theme to them, like flying monsters or sea monsters, these ones are a bit more complex, like a combination of themes. For example the bat in the middle is both flying and lightning.
Commisioned by furvilla.com

These are some of the new updates to the monster collection I designed and painted for a project I originally worked on around two years ago. I think the game now has around 80 of my monsters of various shapes and sizes.

On The Topic Of Creepy
I have been fascinated with creepy and horror themed stuff for quite a while. The problem is that by having the exposure to the insanity that the internet contains and my own often weird imagination, I have become desensitized to creepiness through what some people might call exposure therapy. Very few things scare of creep me out with possible exceptions of things like a Sea Lamprey's mouth or stuff you see if you google the word trypophobia( I strongly advise not to google either of these things, but we all know that telling someone not to look at something will only make them want to look at it. I warned you).
So I wanted to draw something creepy. I started with a pretty normal looking girl on the top of the stairs and drew four more versions of her, trying to make each one weirder and more "off" until the last grotesque version.

Ghost Factory – a place where old bones, parts of viscera, pieces of dry skin, an occasional lost wisdom tooth and other remains are cut up, processed, mushed together, filtered into components, mushed together again and molded into mas produced ghosts to terrify children in their sleep. Is it a bit gory and gross? Perhaps. But it is also beautifully efficient and you have to appreciate that at least.

Spirit Monsters
Recently I worked on a video game project for which I designed and painted a 100 monsters corresponding to five elements used in the game. This is the last group of 20 creatures. Spirit element, as it was called in the game, really was only very vaguely defined, so this was the most difficult and the most inclusive of the five elements to work with. It was fun, I got to draw quite a few funky ghost creatures.

Gross Ghosts
A little more experimentation, a little bit more fun and weirdness.

Air Monsters
Recently I worked on a video game project for which I designed and painted a 100 monsters corresponding to five elements used in the game. This is the forth group of 20 creatures. The definition of air element was quite wide, so anything that has something to do air itself, lightning, resembled actual flying creatures or just looks like it would live in the air could fit into this category.

Water Monsters
Recently I worked on a video game project for which I designed and painted a 100 monsters corresponding to five elements used in the game. This is the third group of 20 creatures. The definition of water element was quite wide, so anything that has something to do water, ice, mist, snow or just looks like it would live underwater could fit into this category.

Earth Monsters
Recently I worked on a video game project for which I designed and painted a 100 monsters corresponding to five elements used in the game. This is the second group of 20 creatures. The definition of earth element was quite wide, so anything that has something to do with rocks, mud, sand, minerals, metals, plants and so on can be included. This was a fun project, and this group was probably the most diverse and interesting to work with.

Fire Monsters
Recently I worked on a video game project for which I designed and painted a 100 monsters corresponding to five elements used in the game. This is the first group of 20 creatures, all having something to do with fire, obviously. The definition of fire element was quite wide in this case, so anything that has something to do with fire, lava, smoke and so on can be included. This was a fun project, I had a lot of freedom and basically every weird monster I wanted to do ended up being completed and didn't remain as a sketch instead.

Mutant Monsters
The seventh and last set of monsters I drew for a game project. This one was all about creatures affected by radiation and zombified mess.

Robot Monsters
This is the sixth set of monsters out of seven I did for a game project. The theme was given to my as futuristic creatures, but all that boiled down to was robots so that they are different enough from the other sets.

Ice Monsters
This is the fifth set of monsters out of seven I did for a game project. Basically anything that looks like it's made of ice or snow or lives in it.

Horror monsters
This is the forth set of monsters out of seven I did for a game project. The theme is very loose this time, blood and guts galore, but otherwise I was able to do pretty much what I wanted with the designs.

Medieval Monsters
This is the third set out of seven and is loosely based on monsters of medieval legends, demons, dryads, golems, basilisks and such. The last, the hydra, gave me a lot of trouble, I guess I should have known that it would take much longer compared to other creatures to draw all those heads, especially when I decided to make each slightly different. This set was a lot of fun, I got to draw rock and wood textures, as well as funky creatures, which I find enjoyable for some reason.

Sky Monsters
This is the second set of monsters I made for a game project. The only rule besides having no humanoid creatures was that all monsters had to be flying by whatever method. I had some real fun with the designs because I had the opportunity to incorporate some surrealism and be extra funky and goofy. How do they fly? I don't know, don't worry about it.

Sea Monsters
This is a part of a game project I worked on recently. These ten monsters are loosely based on deep sea creatures and besides having them sea themed and the rule that there can't be designs that are too humanoid looking, all the designs and execution was basically up to me. Because of that this ended up being the most fun commercial project I have worked on so far. This was the first set I worked on and there are several other sets of monsters each based on a different theme which I will upload soon. This project was a lot of fun, but also a lot of work, I really miscalculated on how long it will take me to complete each monster. The way the schedule went I pretty much had to come up with over 20 designs in a day. I can do it, I usually have enough ideas, but it is still exhausting as hell to me.

Curly Dragon
My entry for the dragon/monster part of the Outcast Odyssey contest. Contests are usually not my idea of fun, but drawing monsters amounts to about 97 percent of my waking like, so why not.

"Mutation Fairy"
With her happy-go-lucky attitude, her dapper dress and a missing tooth, mutation fairy flies all around the place and with gleeful joy pulls supernumerary digits, suspicious growths and all kinds of fun clinical disorders from her numerous pockets. She is a generous creature indeed. She gives out mutations to anyone and everyone without paying attention to the time of year, whether you have been good or bad, your age or where you live. Sooner or later she will visit you and in all likelihood will keep on visiting again and again. If you’re lucky, you might get something what doesn’t do much harm or might even be slightly beneficial, like a sixth finger, but you will probably end up with a whole plethora of hereditary diseases including several forms of cancer.

Everyone Gets Bored

"Outwaiting the Stampede"
People can get used to anything. If hundreds of thousands of odd animals started stampeding through your home village every other week, getting on top of the roof and waiting it out would become just a part of the routine as well.

Regretfully, this is not actually my nightmare, just a fruit of my imagination. I almost never remember any of my dreams and it’s a real shame, it just feels like so much wasted material from which I could develop ideas. I only remember two dreams I have ever had: one involves counting logs, ten thousand of them in fact, and other had to do something with dotted lines. Weird. Well, perhaps this painting will become nightmare fuel for someone else and make them dream up something interesting instead of me.

Butterfly Man

"Robot God - Trinity 2.0"
In the world of robots even gods are elected through wotting. The difference from the normal wotting system familiar to us is that robots are rational and always elect an individual who is actually the most suited for the job, as opposed to most prominent and charismatic as we usually do. In this case however, there were three exceptional robots equally appropriate to become gods of robots. It was decided (though another wotting) that the best solution is to combine the three candidates and create a single superior machine. Thus a new magnificent creature was born and adorned with wires and screws which have gone out of use ages ago, but still exist as symbols of robotics. It was then given the title of trinity 2.0

This image was designed to temp you into the mindset of evil. When I say you, I do not mean a hypothetical person, I mean you, the person who was just looking at this picture and is now reading this sentence. If you just for a second though that this image is cool or interesting, my job is done. From now on you will slowly get more and more fascinated by the strange, dark and macabre, your way of thinking will gradually change without you even noticing and it is now just the matter of time until you reach the conclusion that good and evil are just concepts and when nothing really matters at all. Welcome to the other side, let’s have fun.

"Lady of the Dreams"
The newest attempt in my never ending mission trying to create something badass. The title is kind of a lie though, as for once I didn’t come up with this while half asleep, but while sketching. Lady of the sketches sounds stupid, so this is what you get.

"Flesh Ball!!! (Why Is Everything Alive?)"
When I started drawing this, this seemed like fun goofy idea, but as I continued working on it, I started thinking that this could easily be considered horror or even gore. If I didn't use such bright colors and didn't put a smile on the characters face, it would definitely be some kind of horrible competition to the death. However, I still view this as a fun image, or is it just me and I'm even weirder than I thought?

The Candle Man


"Bridge of Spinning Things"
Probably the most random thing I ever drew. It was fun adding in all the funky details and raising the level of nonsense.