Tiger prey

Sunset Pixel Ride

Some pixel art I made for a client, for a game called ©Lucid Soul.

Some underwater pixel art I made for a client, for a game called ©Lucid Soul.

A bit of pixel art I made fir a client. This is for a game called ©Lucid Soul

Cursed Portrait
Hello my fellow weirdos. So this time, after a long while, I have some pixel art for you. This is some client work from a horror game called Lucid Soul and as you can see this portrait has two versions: a normal one, and a bit more disturbing one.
©Lucid Soul

Some pixel art I made for a game called Lucid Soul.

Some work I did for a game called Lucid Soul. This is based on a concept I made a few months ago and several evil characters will put in and on top of this carriage in the game.

Some work I did for a game called Lucid Soul. It's a horror themed game, as you might guess from the name and the subject matter.
This one had to be drawn in an unusual perspective, I haven't worked with that particular kind before.
©Lucid Soul

Gore Pit
Some work I did for a game called Lucid Soul. It's a horror themed game, as you might guess from the name and the subject matter.
©Lucid Soul

This is some pixel art I recently completed for a game called Lucid Soul. I already shared just the dragon gate you can see at the bottom of the image and now the full tower that goes with it is complete.
This took me quite a while to do, most of this works like a painting, in that there aren't that many repeatable parts and almost the whole tower had to be drawn without reusing tiles.
The perspective is a bit unusual because the tower is more than one screen tall in the game and it will create the illusion of characters looking up by raising the view.

Here is some pixel art I did for a client like a year ago and forgot to upload it somehow. It's a small game, but while working on it I did a little bit of everything like you can see here: characters, background tiles, items.

I have some fresh pixel art for you, straight of the press.
This is a castle entrance I did recently for a horror game called Lucid Soul( the logo at the bottom was also designed by me by the way).

I realized I haven't uploaded any pixel art in a while, so here is some. Once again this is from the game called Arelite Core I worked on and these are some of the assets that are used in the game.

A little more pixel art for y'all. Once again this is from the game called Arelite Core I worked on and these are some architectural pieces I designed for it.

A little more pixel art for y'all. Once again this is from the game called Arelite Core I worked on for few months and these are some of the assets that are used in the games overworld- basically the map.

Time for a little more pixel art. This is one of the first assets I made for a retro rpg called Arelite Core probably around two years ago at this point. The NDA ended only recently. They are annoying, but necessary.

Pixel Patterns
So I mentioned before that I did a lot of pixel work for a retro rpg called Arelite Core over a span of a year or so and here are some of the repeating textures from that project. All of these are partial, the game system mostly used sets of 9 repeating tiles, 8 of which repeated in one direction and the remaining main tile repeated in all directions. These are some of those main tiles.
I learned a lot from this actually, something always came up where I had to really rack my brain( I worked mostly from text description) and figure out how this would work after I thought multiple times that I figured out everything about the system.

I did a lot of pixel work for a retro rpg called Arelite Core over a span of a year or so, last ones being done several months ago. Most of them are repeating textures, smaller items and similar assets, but from time to time I had to do a bit larger assets like this one, which I enjoyed quite a lot. None of the head ache of making sure everything is seamlessly repeatable and takes less time than the same number of tiles in separate objects. This sort of work was probably the most relaxing from all the different assets I made for this project.

I checked and it appears that I have the permission to upload work from this project sooner than I thought. I did a lot of pixel work for a retro rpg called Arelite Core over a span of a year or so, last ones being done several months ago. I have a lot of assets to pick from so this time I decided to sort them by subject matter. Starting with miscellaneous, just because it usually is last and I don't care for doing things in an orderly regular manner. Most of the work was various textures for nature and architecture, so these items are in the minority and really are miscellaneous, a couple picked from most levels in the game.

Aha!! You thought I wasn't doing pixel art anymore, but you were wrong!
These are from a client work I did a few months ago. The assets I was doing were quite random and not grouped in any coherent manner, so I decided not to try to separate them by theme or such, because it would be largely be useless. There's potions and there's some monsters, but mostly it's weapons and armor. I always enjoy designing and drawing that sort of stuff. Would share more pixel artwork of which I actually have quite a lot, a couple thousand tiles just waiting actually, but most of it is still under an NDA, so it will have to wait a bit longer.

Pixel Aliens
I made these a few months back for a game project and thought that it's about time I share some more of my pixel work. I actually have quite a lot of it in the backlogs, but I won't be able to upload most of it for a year or so.
A lot of the work I get seams to revolve around designing and illustrating monsters, doesn't it? Oh well, I don't mind that at all.

Lighthouse Interior
This is a part of quite a large number of tiles I did recently for a game called Arelite Core. At this time I can only upload several examples of the work I did for this project and more will follow sometime in the future after the game is released.

This is a part of quite a large number of tiles I did recently for a game called Arelite Core. At this time I can only upload several examples of the work I did for this project and more will follow sometime in the future after the game is released.

This is a part of quite a large number of tiles I did recently for a game called Arelite Core. These tiles will be used in the very beginning of the game.
At this time I can only upload several examples of the work I did for this project and more will follow sometime in the future after the game is released.

Sci-fi Tile Set
I made these for a top down perspective sci-fi game. These are all the tiles that will be used in interior: floor, walls, furniture, engines, weapons and so on.