You Can Never Have Too Much Bicep

Implantation. For personal game project Human Upgrade Labs

In the future even robots can be curious and there just might be some lost knowledge deep in the dusty archives. I've been a big reader since I was a child and while my apartment is a bit less dusty, the general state of book related things is closer to this image than it probably should. I will collapse the floor sooner or later. I drew this for a personal game I'm working on and this will go into a small puzzle minigame where you have to find hidden images. Not telling exactly what will be hidden in what way, but there is a fairly obvious hint in this illustration. And here's the game so far. Give it a try, it's completely free: https://ultra-shenanigans.itch.io/human-upgrade-labs

Now what? You find yourself stuck in some forest, with all of your organs stolen and replaced with the cheapest robotic parts possible. You may be a cyborg now, but only by the technical definition. Your limbs move, but barely, and you're pretty sure that if you trip, you won't be able to get back up. This crappy machinery might keep you alive for a couple days max. What to do, what to do? I painted this guy for fun. I wanted to practice some texture painting with the scuffed metal and I wanted to draw a robot guy. Combine those two things in a jar, let them marinate for a bit and you get this. By the way, check out the game I might or might not use this character in - Human Upgrade Labs. It's already available for windows for free. The game is not finished, but even this version has 13 completed levels and I am constructing more of them: https://ultra-shenanigans.itch.io/human-upgrade-labs

I drew these and a bunch of other characters for a personal game project called Human Upgrade Labs. The game consists of a bunch of mini games and these robots specifically are used in a puzzle mini game where you have to sort out around 40 characters into several categories. Some are quite simple, like robots in this case, and others are a bit less obvious. Here is an early, but fully playable version of the game with 13 levels in it already: https://ultra-shenanigans.itch.io/human-upgrade-labs I will also we launching a major update with a 8 new levels very soon, probably next week, so look forward to that if you already tried the game.

I have a desire, no, a need, to draw some robots. So instead of drawing other stuff I was supposed to draw for other game levels, I prioritized drawing this guy instead. Oh, well, this is for a personal game project, so it doesn't matter that much and there are no deadlines, so I can mix stuff around. I plan to have this guy as one of the interactable characters at some point. By the way, a fully playable version of this game - Human Upgrade Labs is already available for windows for free. The game is not finished, but even this version has 13 completed levels and I am constructing more of them: https://ultra-shenanigans.itch.io/human-upgrade-labs

When given the option to choose between the very most bleeding edge technology or the legacy option, which one would you pick? I suspect to most the obvious choice would be the first one: choose the most up to date and fancy tech you can, it is the best you can get after all. But what if it hasn’t been properly tested? What if no one knows how to repair or even to set it up properly yet, what if it’s hyped up more than it really deserves?
On the other hand, you can choose the old, but well tested option. It’s clunky and doesn’t have the twelve different variations of Bluetooth, also where is the style? However, it does have the time tested reliability and if it does break, you might be able to fix it yourself with a butter knife and some duck tape.
I painted this to be used as a background in a stage for a game I’m making in my free time.

Teaching a robot to feel. In a very literal way. By attaching it's hand to a hiving one and trying all sorts of materials on it to teach the robot to distinguish between different types of touch sensation.
This started when I was painting a different thing and wasn't happy with how I was unable to paint a mother of pearl texture that well. So I decided it would be a good idea to go back to basics for a moment and study some materials by painting them as realistically as I could from reference. Of course that sort of thing isn't the most exiting idea to work on and tends to get boring quite quickly so I thought making up a scene of some sort that uses a bunch of different materials would be more fun. I was right. I will also likely use this image for a little puzzle section in a game I'm making.
Also check out my previous game. This is a link to a little puzzle game called Dream Mechanic available for free for windows on itch.io: https://ultra-shenanigans.itch.io/dream-mechanic

I needed four faces to represent four categories for a personal game project: bio, robo, mostly bio and mostly robo.

There is no end to the innovative attractions at the Robot Fair, they have everything you could possibly imagine. You can take a quick ride in a giant robot, you can buy yourself a mecha pet, you can rent a variety of mechanical exoskeletons, you can talk with and be terrified of the cog spitting Giant Face of Robotic Doom or simply admire Punchtleman or Femme Robotica and wonder about why would they even build something like that. Even the advertisements seem less annoying at the Robot Fair.
I drew this for a personal project, a little puzzle game. Though about trying out a sort of cell shaded style this time. Check out the game so far on itch.io: https://ultra-shenanigans.itch.io/dream-mechanic

I drew this around a month ago for an online card game. The client asked me to come up with something to display as a victory image and this is the result.
Speaking of games, check out my personal game I finished recently. It's a little puzzle game called Dream Mechanic available for free for windows here: https://ultra-shenanigans.itch.io/dream-mechanic

Clash of the Cranial Ultrabots
When they fight sparks fly and every conscious being within 12 parsec radius gets brainwashed.
This is an illustration for a little game I'm making for fun called Dream Mechanic.

Is he a man, is he a machine? Is he a ghost or a robot or a spirit of his own future self? No one knows for sure, but one thing we do know is that he has strong opinions about unimportant topics and he will tell you about it in detail.
This character is for a little game I'm making for fun.

Techno Migration
The robots are on a search for their techno paradise, but it's not an easy journey.
This is an illustration for a little game I'm making for fun.

This is another character from a game I'm making, a personal project where I make absolutely everything myself. The idea here was to have character who decided to get cyborgized and decided to keep his face looking as it did before. You know, for sentimental purposes.

Rank Upgrade ( I made a game!)
I have been mentioning from time to time that I was working on another game for Android phones and it is finished! It's called Rank Upgrade, it's completely free( at least for now anyway) and you should give it a try:
I made this little image to use on the google play store. I won't talk a lot about the game here, because you should really stop reading here and just download the game, except to say that in it you kill hoards of strange robot enemies using your rocket sword in order to reach progressively more absurd ranks.
Let me know what you think if you try it out, maybe leave a comment and a ranking. That would really help me out.

I'm making a little game for Android( personal project), and these are the enemies.
I have been working on this for a while now, sketching everything out and coding all the mechanics and it's finally ready to start getting some actual art.

Young vs Old
Old technology battling out versus new, who would win? Well, the new stuff most likely, but in the realm of fantasy anything can happen and it's fun to imagine. And there is that weird cliche of ancient super weapons that are actually way more powerful than anything modern, which gets used again and again in movies and books, which I never understood. The most powerful weapon a few thousand years ago was probably some dull bronze sword and just try battling a tank with that. Actually that might be quite an amusing, if short fight.
Anyways, I just felt like painting some robots, which I haven't done in a while and I played around with some new brushes at the same time as well.
This is available in various print forms at:

"Wooden Robot"
A friendly robot who runs on nothing but sunshine and good intentions.

"The Infamous Contrast Brothers"
A pair of notorious bandits who are known for spreading fear, destruction and confusion everywhere they go. Mostly known for spreading confusion, though.

"This Race Is Unfare"
In the future sports will be very different. Once biomechanically enhanced humans come into the field, no amount of fancy shoes and leg shaving will be enough to fill the gap between them and regular athletes.

"Robot God - Trinity 2.0"
In the world of robots even gods are elected through wotting. The difference from the normal wotting system familiar to us is that robots are rational and always elect an individual who is actually the most suited for the job, as opposed to most prominent and charismatic as we usually do. In this case however, there were three exceptional robots equally appropriate to become gods of robots. It was decided (though another wotting) that the best solution is to combine the three candidates and create a single superior machine. Thus a new magnificent creature was born and adorned with wires and screws which have gone out of use ages ago, but still exist as symbols of robotics. It was then given the title of trinity 2.0

"Insane Warriors – Shark Wielding Robot"
There is a battle going and the goal of the people involved is not as much to win as it is to amuse themselves. And what is more amusing than insanity?
Here we have a robot whose choice of weapon in a shark that has been set on fire. Why such strange and unusual weapon? Because. These people are crazy, they can’t be reasoned with. Though, there is a twisted logic behind this decision. A huge part of a battle is mental warfare, scaring and confusing your enemy and a robot running at you at full speed and swinging around a burning shark is sure to perplex anyone.

This image was designed to temp you into the mindset of evil. When I say you, I do not mean a hypothetical person, I mean you, the person who was just looking at this picture and is now reading this sentence. If you just for a second though that this image is cool or interesting, my job is done. From now on you will slowly get more and more fascinated by the strange, dark and macabre, your way of thinking will gradually change without you even noticing and it is now just the matter of time until you reach the conclusion that good and evil are just concepts and when nothing really matters at all. Welcome to the other side, let’s have fun.

"Collecting Those Heads"
Because creating sufficiently sophisticated artificial intelligence still proves to be too much of a challenge, a different kind of solution to this problem was found. A cyborg with the ability to incorporate into its own system the brains of recently deceased people and other animals and in doing so, expand it's mental capacity was created and nicknamed "The Mother". Not many people were surprised when one of the prototypes escaped and started stealing corpses from morgues, funeral services and digging up the recently buried. So far, capture attempts have not been successful.

This is not the kind of race where normal people come to participate just because it is fun. Nor is this the kind of race in which all participants are highly trained professional athletes. This is the kind of race there only crazy people participate and do whatever it takes to win, because whoever wins becomes disgustingly rich and whoever is dragging behind gets shot in the arm for some extra motivation.

A Little Cyborg Called I don't Care