I made this for a computer card game project a couple months ago. I haven't worked on that many UI designs before so this was good practice as well. Before starting I wasn't sure whether I should go with vectors or just draw everything really precisely by hand in good old raster, but eventually I decided to just draw it and it seams to have worked out. Of course there are some extra button effects and details that go together with this, but those look quite boring as just an image and not a part of a functioning game so I left those out.

I made this for a computer card game project a few months ago. I haven't worked on that many UI designs before so this was good practice as well. The book is there to contain the digital card collection and each pages has info and images of certain types of cards. I had the freedom of how I wanted to make this and in the end I decided to draw everything instead of using vectors as these screens won't need resizing.