Weeks Bay Project - Exhibits were designed and built in Auburn, AL and then transported to Weeks Bay in Fairhope, AL for final installation. Exhibits were constructed of cypress wood with pine and metal substructure.
Exhibit Design Studio - Corporate identities were developed for fake companies. Packaging concepts and a 30' x 30' exhibit were also part of the studio. The exhibits were developed in a team atmosphere and then judged by an industry expert.
Emerson Tool - Craftsman/Husky Screwdriver - Produced over thirty screwdriver concepts with ten packaging concepts that were presented to Emerson Tool. Several models were contructed with the final set being cast out of acrylic resin.
The Attention Desk - A desk designed to minimize the amount of extraneous distractions a student is exposed to during study hours. Designed as an educational aide that can be fit to the student.
Sitting Green - Cardboard Seating - A competition involving 30 groups of 3 students were required to build a seating device with anthropometric restraints that would hold 300lbs. Limitations consisted of 3 sheets of single corrugate cardboard and paper tape...if necessary. This chair won 2nd place and used NO TAPE!!!