Dismorfofobia (Dysmorphic disorder) - Infographic about the BDD body dysmorphic disorder for "SALUTE", the weekly medical supplement of the Italian newspaper La Repubblica
Quelle mamme che non tagliano il cordone (Those moms who don't want to cut the cord) - Infographic about the Lotus birth, a practice of leaving the umbilical cord uncut after childbirth so that the baby is left attached to the placenta until the cord naturally separates at the umbilicus for "SALUTE", the weekly medical supplement of the Italian newspaper La Repubblica
Tumore al seno (Breast cancer) - Infographic about the breast cancer genes mutation for "SALUTE", the weekly medical supplement of the Italian newspaper La Repubblica
Minigonna per sempre (Mini skirt forever) - Infographic about legs beauty treatments for "SALUTE", the weekly medical supplement of the Italian newspaper La Repubblica
Allenamento Cyclette (Cyclette training) - Infographic about sprint interval training for "SALUTE", the weekly medical supplement of the Italian newspaper La Repubblica
Salvare il collo (Save the neck) - Infographic about neck treatments and supplements for "SALUTE", the weekly medical supplement of the Italian newspaper La Repubblica
Sport in gravidanza (Exercising in pregnancy) - Infographic about which sports to do during pregnancy for "SALUTE", the weekly medical supplement of the Italian newspaper La Repubblica
Depressione restistente (Resistant depression) - Infographic about depression and pharmaceutical consumption for "SALUTE", the weekly medical supplement of the Italian newspaper La Repubblica
Orfani ma non più rari (Orphans but not rare anymore) - Infographic about orphan drugs for "SALUTE", the weekly medical supplement of the Italian newspaper La Repubblica
Questo Lifting non e' un lifting (This lifting is not a lifting) - Infographic about lifting treatments for "SALUTE", the weekly medical supplement of the Italian newspaper La Repubblica
Dottor Robot (Doc Robot) - Infographic about Doctor ChatBot for "SALUTE", the weekly medical supplement of the Italian newspaper La Repubblica
Come bruciare i piatti Natalizi (How to burn Christmas food) - Infographic about how to burn Christmas dishes and diet for "SALUTE", the weekly medical supplement of the Italian newspaper La Repubblica
Se mangi, poi ti muovi (If you eat, then you move) - Infographic about how to burn Christmas dishes for "SALUTE", the weekly medical supplement of the Italian newspaper La Repubblica
Road Map di eterna giovinezza (Road map to eternal youth) - Infographic about youth treatments for "SALUTE", the weekly medical supplement of the Italian newspaper La Repubblica
Alopecia feminile (Alopecia in females) - Infographic about alopecia for "SALUTE", the weekly medical supplement of the Italian newspaper La Repubblica
Alfabeto per il regalo gourmet (Alphabet for the gourmet gift) - Infographic about Christmas gourmet gifts for "SALUTE", the weekly medical supplement of the Italian newspaper La Repubblica
Reflusso gastroesofageo (GERD) - Infographic about gastroesophageal reflux disease and diet for "SALUTE", the weekly medical supplement of the Italian newspaper La Repubblica
Pelle e Zuccheri (Skin and Sugar) - Infographic about alimentation with less sugar for "SALUTE", the weekly medical supplement of the Italian newspaper La Repubblica
Massaggio Shiatsu (Shiatsu massage) - Infographic about shiatsu and MU points for "SALUTE", the weekly medical supplement of the Italian newspaper La Repubblica
Idratazione della Pelle (Skin Hydration) - Infographic about skin hydration for "SALUTE", the weekly medical supplement of the Italian newspaper La Repubblica
Pelle e Sole (Skin and Sun) - Infographic about how the sun affecting your skin for "SALUTE", the weekly medical supplement of the Italian newspaper La Repubblica
Emangiomi (Hemangioma) - Infographic about infantile hemangioma for "SALUTE", the weekly medical supplement of the Italian newspaper La Repubblica
Disturbi alimentari (Eating disorders) - Infographic about eating disorders for "SALUTE", the weekly medical supplement of the Italian newspaper La Repubblica
Menopausa (Menopause) - Infographic about menopause symptoms and diet for "SALUTE", the weekly medical supplement of the Italian newspaper La Repubblica
Pelle inquinata (Polluted skin) - Infographic about how pollution is affecting your skin for "SALUTE", the weekly medical supplement of the Italian newspaper La Repubblica.
Farmacia hi-tech (Hi-Tech Pharmacy) - Infographic about drugs and products sold at the pharmacy for "SALUTE", the weekly medical supplement of the Italian newspaper La Repubblica
Farmaci OGM (OMG Drugs) - Infographic about new pharmaceutical drugs for "SALUTE", the weekly medical supplement of the Italian newspaper La Repubblica.
Allattamento (Breastfeeding) - Infographic about mother's guide to breastfeeding for "SALUTE", the weekly medical supplement of the Italian newspaper La Repubblica.
App per la salute (Health apps) - Infographic about health apps for "SALUTE", the weekly medical supplement of the Italian newspaper La Repubblica.
Biologico (Organic) - Infographic about organic farming in Italy for "SALUTE", the weekly medical supplement of the Italian newspaper La Repubblica
Stenosi aortica (Aortic valve stenosis) - Infographic about stenosis for "SALUTE", the weekly medical supplement of the Italian newspaper La Repubblica.
Tiroidectomia MIVAT (Thyroidectomy) - Infographic about MIVAT Thyroidectomy for "SALUTE", the weekly medical supplement of the Italian newspaper La Repubblica.
Disfagia (Dysphagia) - Infographic about dysphagia (difficulty in swallowing) for "SALUTE", the weekly medical supplement of the Italian newspaper La Repubblica.
Melanoma (Skin Cancer) - Infographic about skin cancer for "SALUTE", the weekly medical supplement of the Italian newspaper La Repubblica.
Osteoporosi (Osteoporosis) - Infographic about osteoporosis for "SALUTE", the weekly medical supplement of the Italian newspaper La Repubblica.
Mentoplastica (Mentoplasty) - Infographic about chin plastic surgery for "SALUTE", the weekly medical supplement of the Italian newspaper La Repubblica.
Scabbia (Scabies) - Infographic about scabies for "SALUTE", the weekly medical supplement of the Italian newspaper La Repubblica.
Stent (Angioplasty) - Infographic about angioplasty and stent for "SALUTE", the weekly medical supplement of the Italian newspaper La Repubblica.
Sport all'aperto (Outdoor sport) - Infographic about outdoor sports for "SALUTE", the weekly medical supplement of the Italian newspaper La Repubblica.
Day Surgery - Infographic about day surgery and the most popular common surgeries for "SALUTE", the weekly medical supplement of the Italian newspaper La Repubblica.
Camminare (Walking) - Infographic about the benefits of walking for "SALUTE", the weekly medical supplement of the Italian newspaper La Repubblica.
Parkinson - Infographic about therapeutic fitness for Parkinson's patients for "SALUTE", the weekly medical supplement of the Italian newspaper La Repubblica.
Vitamine (Vitamins) - Infographic about vitamins for "SALUTE", the weekly medical supplement of the Italian newspaper La Repubblica.
Udito (Hearing Loss) - Infographic about hearing loss and hystory of hearing aid for "SALUTE", the weekly medical supplement of the Italian newspaper La Repubblica.
Diete (Diets) - Infographic about diets for "SALUTE", the weekly medical supplement of the Italian newspaper La Repubblica.
Gym in Acqua (Water Gym) - Infographic about new water sports for "SALUTE", the weekly medical supplement of the Italian newspaper La Repubblica.
Antibiotici (Antibiotics) - Infographic of the antibiotic resistant bacteria for "SALUTE", the weekly medical supplement of the Italian newspaper La Repubblica.
Protesi al Seno (Breast Implants) - Infographic about breast implants for "SALUTE", the weekly medical supplement of the Italian newspaper La Repubblica.
Difetti agli Occhi (Defects of the Eye) - Infographic about defects of the eye for "SALUTE", the weekly medical supplement of the Italian newspaper La Repubblica.
Etichette (Food Labels) - Infographic about the new rules of food labels for "SALUTE", the weekly medical supplement of the Italian newspaper La Repubblica.
Spazzolino (Toothbrush) - Infographic about the traditional toothbrush vs electric toothbrush for "SALUTE", the weekly medical supplement of the Italian newspaper La Repubblica.
Forfora (Dandruff) - Infographic about dandruff for "SALUTE", the weekly medical supplement of the Italian newspaper La Repubblica.
Influenza (Flu) - Infographic about flu and fever development for "SALUTE", the weekly medical supplement of the Italian newspaper La Repubblica.
Pressione Arteriosa (Blood Pressure) - Infographic about differences in blood pressure between arms for "SALUTE", the weekly medical supplement of the Italian newspaper La Repubblica.
La Repubblica, SALUTE Infographics

Infographics for RSALUTE, weekly supplement of the Italian newspaper La Repubblica

Freelance, Moonlighting
Annalisa Varlotta
Graphic Design // Infographic // Print Reston, VA