The Paper Raincoat - Spot illustration for The Paper Raincoat show review at PopWreckoning
Noise Night Poster #2 - These dudes love hanging out in trees, being wild!
Polar Bear Club - Chubby bears digging the Ocean
The Bird Stance - Spot illustration for PopWreckoning review of Andrew Bird show in Boston, MA
Bad Yeti - Lord Snaggle-Tooth
Adventures in Friendship
The Elephant Vanishes - Book cover for Principles of Illustration class at AIB
Harvard Fall Start-up T-shirt - Ghostbusters, get it?
Noise Night poster #1
Left & Leaving - Mock CD cover for Principles of Illustration class at AIB.
Sonia - Character design for "Manchego" video game.
Pablo - commissioned for "Manchego" video game
Sonia - commissioned for "Manchego" video game
Be My Co-Pirate - Handmade postcard. Watercolor on 100lb Bristol
Adventures in Friendship