Songbird Records - Stationary, business card, and bag also designed.
Songbird Records_Bag - Bag design.
Chez Cabaret Saucey - Restaurant Identity
Chez Cabaret Saucey
Chez Cabaraet Saucey
The Stoogeum - Logo redesign, brochure, and website components were also designed.
Hitchcock Retrospective - Hitchcock Retrospective branding and packaging components also designed.
Mark Remarque 2010 - Logo selected for the Southern Graphics Conference of 2010.
Mark Remarque 2010 - Save the Date printed in selected publications.
The Films of Tim Burton: Misfits and Outsiters - Retrospective of Tim Burton. Website also designed.
Get Up: Art Education for the Urban Population
Boston Microbrew Expo
Divine Desserts - Branding for local bakery.
Divine Desserts - Logo option.
Thunderbolt Trikes and Bikes - Branding for local bike distributor.
The Weekend Scene - Band logo.