Title: "Fungal Brooch" Media: Epoxy Resin, Poppy Seeds, Pigment, Enamel Paint Year: Fall 2013
Title: "Bubblegum Brooch" Media: Urethane Resin, Cotton Thread Year: Fall 2012 Dimensions: 2x2x1/5"
Title: "Candy Apple Brooch" Media: Urethane Resin, Rice Noodles Year: Fall 2012 Dimensions: 2x2x1/5"
Title: "Hairy Bubblegum Brooch" Media: Urethane Resin, Epoxy Resin, Hair, Copper Year: Fall 2012/Spring 2014 Dimensions: 2x2x1/5"
Title "Kiss Me" Media: Plaster Cast of Teeth, Epoxy Resin, Hair, Cloth, Wool Year: Spring 2014
Title: "Seed Pods" Media: Copper, Epoxy Resin, Cotton Thread, Glass Beads, Coriander Seeds, Feathers Year: Fall 2013 Dimensions: 2x2x1/5"
Title: "Bound Hand Piece" Media: Foam, Epoxy Resin, Cotton Thread, Shibuichi, Pigment, Paper, Shrink Wrapped Plastic, Stretch Nylon Year: Spring 2014
Title: "Trichotillomania Brooch" Media: Copper, Brass, Urethane Resin, Feathers, Enamel Paint, Epoxy Resin Year: Fall 2013
Spores, Fall 2013

In this series of work I used alternative materials to create forms evocative of fungus and mold. I was drawn to these organisms not just for their formal qualities but also the similarity I see between them and jewelry; they adorn what they graft themselves to. Like mushrooms spotting the surface of a decaying log, these pieces emerge organically from the body.

Freelance, Full-time
Becky Levine
Creative self starter with metal working and textile background. Saratoga Springs, NY