Title: "Enameled Leaf Study" Media: Copper, Enamel Year: 2013
Colored Pencil Patina Study on Copper
Repoussé Study in Copper
Cloth, Beads, and Copper Study
Title: "Coral Study 1" Media: Copper, Paint, Beads, Epoxy Year: Fall 2013
Title: "Coral Study 3" Media: Powder Coated Copper Year: Fall 2013
Title: "Work in Progress: Beaded Bustier" Media: Found Antique Bustier, Beads Year: Spring 2014
Title: "Coral Study 2" Media: Copper, Paint, Beads, Epoxy Year: Fall 2013
Studies and Works in Progress 2013-2014
Freelance, Full-time
Becky Levine
Creative self starter with metal working and textile background. Saratoga Springs, NY