Candy Loving Nation - Watercolor and Ink on Watercolor Paper
Lovestory - Watercolor and Ink on Watercolor Paper
So Proud - Watercolor and Ink on Watercolor Paper
Obese Easter bunny - Watercolor and Ink on Watercolor Paper
21st Century Expressionism - Watercolor and Ink on Watercolor Paper
Blog Coming Soon - I ma currently working on a blog which should be up in the next couple days.
Rob Zombie - Recently I watched Rob Zombies “Halloween 2“remake and I have to admit that I was quite disappointed to say the least. After monumental failures such as “House of 1000 Corpses”, “The Devil’s Rejects” and now “Halloween”, I think Mr. Zombie should just quit the movie business.
The Divine Plan
Mixed Media on Watercolor Paper
The Boyz - Charles Martin & Guy Louis Watercolor and Ink on Watercolor Paper
Chicken - Got inspired by an article about KFC.
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. -Friedrich Nietzsche-
Watercolor and ink study
"Do all pets go to heaven?"
Jean-Jacques - Watercolor, Ink, and Conté Crayon on Watercolor Paper
Man with cigarette
Various Artwork