mirro - with in us.. - it's the basically the concept is your right reflects your wrong and wrong reflects your right.. think about it.. no matter what you do, but you know yourself.. how exactly you are. We all judge our self on basis of our deeds.. we know how we are originally.. but we ignore that fact all the time.. Think about this.. no matter what you do.. but you can't escape from yourself.. it reflects your image in your inner world.. you see it.. weather it is positive or negative but see it..
sweet cool - shown somewhere similar photoshoped
cold NOSE - Photo retouch in Photoshop.
true.. but what? - Model and Photo Credit : http://katanaz-stock.deviantart.com/art/Male-Stock-4-67382425
Hot Hot - Hot picture with hot model.. so what'ya say? "HOT HOT" right?!
Can you imagine? - I like one stock photo... and found it interesting.. think without colors it's looks beautiful.. but can you imagine how in real life the model looks.. YEAH.. if you thinking than you must do wild guess... original model photo : http://wakenthedeadstock.deviantart.com/art/Dress-by-WakentheDead-Stock-84689127
cups... umh... - Cups..!@#! huh.. I was killing time on my pc.. My coffee cup looks strange to me..??
Pepsi??? - Happy Thanks Giving day to everybody.. Don't know what to do.. so just hit on my pc.. and came up with this.. I am to lazy to be a smart...
Chancellor of Design - Contest Entry
scrap or art
Vipul Patel
Graphics Designer Astoria, NY