57th poster for art college - Poster for the art college where I have used the paintings made by the students the (painting department) , sculpture (sculpture department) and used rectangles of different sizes to create a design.Used vibrant colors in rectangle inspired by Mondrian which are also used in the existing logo of the college.
no ragging - No ragging poster here the colors have been used are fresh and vibrant as it relates the youth.
children film festival - Poster for international children's film festival which is happening in India so the Indian flag is been in focus.Flags have been in balloons as its the quickest we can relate kids with balloons,so I have shown flags of different countries in balloons in the sky.
mtv music awards
fabindia posters - FABINDIA poster
fabindia posters - FABINDIA poster
Bhawna Taneja
graphic designer and photographer delhi, India