Accel Meter Annual Report - Selected pages from a 28 page annual report. I utilized stock images but all other elements were created by myself.
Sierra Club of Georgia Ad Campaign - Focusing on the three major impacts of coal in Georgia. Agriculture, economic, and health. Created with Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign CS3.
History of Aviation - Aviation theme book dust jackets and matching promotional poster.
Audio Pros - This quarter page ad layout was created for mass mailing. Created using Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop CS3.
Triple Threat 3 Flyers - These three themed flyers were created for three consecutive practices events held in Atlanta. Concept was fun and destruction. Created in Adobe Photoshop CS3.
Land of the Great - Created web and printed flyers for multiple audiences for a local driving competition. Also created over sized checks for awards.
Byron Hill
graphic designer Norcross, GA