Cutting Enterprises Landscaping Brochure - Oddly enough, the last name of the owner of this landscaping business was Cutting. It was a small business, but his brochure showed his capabilities in a big way - Photoshop work on the front was a particularly fun part of the project. We got an overhead shot of him on his mower, and did the rest on the Mac....
Faith Baptist Church Building Campaign - This brochure was done for presentation to a growing congregation - to make the case for the need of adding more classroom space, etc. to the existing campus. It was approximately a 10" square when folded...a nice size, and a great print job too.
Cardinal Club Charity Classic - This gatefold brochure was done for the 1st annual Cardinal Club Charity Classic in Raleigh, NC
HP&W Healthcare Management - This piece was done for a company that assists doctors in the setup of their own businesses. It was sized so that it could fit into a standard business envelope, and was about 12 pages. Visual concepts were mine, and the copy was provided.
Kirts Construction - This brochure was fun to do because of the stellar photography (
RescueOne Computer Repair - This small business died right after the brochures were printed...but it wasn't because they didn't have any kick-butt promotional!
Richland Creek Building Campaign - This brochure was done for Richland Creek Community Church in Wake Forest, NC. They were kicking off a building campaign for expansion of the facilities for their childrens ministry. The building is now being I guess the brochure did it's part in the process of raising pledges and donations!
Brochure Design
Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Bill Herrin
Art/Creative Director, Graphic Designer, Copywriter, Illustrator Enterprise, AL