Pixelated Kite - The pixelated kite was entered in a graphic design kite contest...the concept was to create a kite out of the smallest element of information in a digital image: THE PIXEL. The kite won an award and was hung in the Smithsonian Museum in Washington, D.C.
Shoyeido Gourmet Incense - Packaging for Shoyeido gourmet incense: includes sandalwood, chai, frankincense and assorted.
Big Challis Salsa Product Design - Big Challis Salsa design of label and product.
The Firebird 4000 Project Buttons - FB4K: folk;indie;punk band out of Denver, CO.
Ninth Letter Promotional Idea-Book - The Ninth Letter is a biannual literary magazine. The Idea-Book was a "thank you" item that was produced for the first 100 subscribers of the magazine.
Package and Product