Typography Poster - Movie poster redesign using text only -photoshop & freehand. Group Assignment - Typography 2, 2003. Massey University.
Typography Book Design - Book layout design. Using text provided, design a book layout with the most appropriate typographic manner. - freehand. Typography 2, 2003. Massey University.
Postmodern Essay - An essay of Postmodernism in a poster.The structure of the poster is based on Spriegfried Odermatt's poster for the International Jazz Festival in Zurich, 1987. Texts placement also based on how the text runs in the original poster. - freehand. History of Graphic Design, 2003. Massey University.
Manga Typeface Design - Typeface design and a poster to interpret the characteristics of the typeface. This typeface was inspired by Manga style drawing combined with Japanese Katakana calligraphy. - freehand, fontlab & photoshop. Typeface Design, 2004. Massey University.
Vinyl Album Re-design - A music album cover (of own choice) re-design. Outer & inner sleeves, inner labels re-design of Bitte ein Beat's 2nd album. - freehand & photoshop. Digital Graphic, 2003. Massey University.
Indonesian Pool Competition - Poster, crew ID tag & ticket design for Indonesian Pool Competition (also look at Event Organizing). - photoshop. Indonesian Student Association, Wellington, New Zealand, 2004.
Cue World 8 Ball Pool Competition - Poster & ticket design for Cue World National Pool Competition. - photoshop. Cue World, Wellington, New Zealand, 2004.
Wellington Poetry Postcards - Typographic treatment of a poem combined with images, compiled as a set of postcards. - cut, paste, color & black and white photocopying. Graphic Design Studio, 2001. Massey University.
Indonesian Cultural Evening 2006 - Poster & pamphlet design for Indonesian Cultural Evening, The Opera House, Wellington, 8 September 2006. - photoshop. Embassy of Indonesia, Wellington, New Zealand, 2006. Also look at Event Organizing. For more photos on this event please go to: http://bona92.multiply.com/photos/album/63
Graphic Design
Arianditha Angraini
*^~tHe WiLd DrEaM cHaSeR~^* Wellington, New Zealand