Big Bird, designer unknown. I found a nice 3D image of this and decided to try to model it myself. I had a blast doing it. Whoever you are out there who designed it, my hat's off to you.
Big Bird, designer unknown. I found a nice 3D image of this and decided to try to model it myself. I had a blast doing it. Whoever you are out there who designed it, my hat's off to you.
Big Bird, designer unknown. I found a nice 3D image of this and decided to try to model it myself. I had a blast doing it. Whoever you are out there who designed it, my hat's off to you.
Snoopy's new ride. Big Bird, designer unknown. I found a nice 3D image of this and decided to try to model it myself. I had a blast doing it. Whoever you are out there who designed it, my hat's off to you.
Rat Bird by Christopher Pearce. This is my 3D interpretation of his artwork. I also created a step by step tutorial on how to model this.
Rat Bird by Christopher Pearce. This is my 3D interpretation of his artwork. I also created a step by step tutorial on how to model this.
Rat Bird by Christopher Pearce. This is my 3D interpretation of his artwork. I also created a step by step tutorial on how to model this.
Rat Bird by Christopher Pearce. This is my 3D interpretation of his artwork. I also created a step by step tutorial on how to model this.
S.H.A.R.C. Super High Altitude Racing Craft. My design.
S.H.A.R.C. Super High Altitude Racing Craft. My design.
S.H.A.R.C. Super High Altitude Racing Craft. My design.
L.I.S.A. Low Influence Survey and Analysis. My design.
L.I.S.A. Low Influence Survey and Analysis. My design.
L.I.S.A. Landing.
L.I.S.A. Landing.
L.I.S.A. with S.H.A.R.C. escort.
L.I.S.A. with S.H.A.R.C. escort.
L.I.S.A. with S.H.A.R.C. escort.
L.I.S.A. with S.H.A.R.C. escort.
L.I.S.A. with S.H.A.R.C. escort.
L.I.S.A. with S.H.A.R.C. escort.
L.I.S.A. with S.H.A.R.C. escort.
The shoe.
The shoe.
Another racing craft. Not really developed.
Dragonfly, modeled for a speed modeling competition.
For those times when you really need to off-road golf.
Tsar Tank, 1914-1915 (experimental).
Tsar Tank, 1914-1915 (experimental).
Hammerhead concept flying car.
Concept Vehicles

A collection of my concept vehicles all modeled with SketchUp.

Eric Lay
3D Modeling, Architectural Modeling, Rendering, Drafting and Design Madison, AL