Sorry for the photo and not a scan. This was framed as a gift to my father and I never got a scan of it prior. This is the show room of what used to be the Saturn Automobile company.

A close up of the show room. Some native plant materials used close to the facility as well.

One of the barns on the property that was maintained by local farmers. All to keep the surrounding acreage from being developed.

One of the farms on the property that was maintained by local farmers. All to keep the surrounding acreage from being developed.

One of the farms on the property that was maintained by local farmers. All to keep the surrounding acreage from being developed.

The natural landscape surrounding the highways.

A rough sketch prior to developing the colored one following.

One of the service roads on the property. The idea was to let the landscape return the natural plant material after construction. Only maintaining the areas immediately adjacent to the roads and facilities.

A local pond that was created. This being the current state when I drew it. Eventually the natural plant materials took over.

A local waterway. Again a photo of the framed picture given to my father.

Another local waterfall.

And finally some of the logos I drew for Saturn.