Hip hop Stamps
Rolling Stone Cover - This was an assignment for school, I had to create a Rolling Stone Cover that related to a CD that i made. The CD can also be found in my portfolio.
Notorious B.I.G Cover - As a project in school, I had to create a complete CD consisting of both outer covers and the content on the inside of the case, including the CD. Another part of the assignment was to create a Rolling Stone Cover that related to our CD's.
Notorious B.I.G back cover - As a project in school, I had to create a complete CD consisting of both outer covers and the content on the inside of the case, including the CD. Another part of the assignment was to create a Rolling Stone Cover that related to our CD's.
Visual perspective - I made this as a result from the constant judgment of looks that happens in everyday life. Everyone is always concerned with whos wearing what and what people look like, which inspired me to create a graphic of my interpretation of what the world would like like if people didn't have their own individual style. Everyone would be blank and exactly the same.
National Mustache Day - This was an assignment where I had to create my own national day, and create a poster for it. I chose something simple and comedic for mine and came up with this.
Ipod Vector
Promotional Pieces - This is a closer look at the business cards and event invitations in the promotional package i designed for my company(fake) for an assignment in school.
Promotional Pieces - I had to create my own company,logo, business card, and event invitations along with envelopes as an assignment for school. The pieces have black borders which are hard to recognize due to the black board behind them.
Dump Em - My friend was making a snowboard video named Dump Em, and asked me to make a graphic for fun. I tried to stay away from the typical visualizations one would come to from hearing the name of the video. I've been real into just sketching around with the pencil tool, so I kept things as simple and sketch-like as I could.