Self-Promo : Cover - this self-promotion item is to be sent after an interview. my name & phone # are on the front & back, as well as my handprint with a magenta dot on the fingertip. the magenta represents the creativity i have within me. my point of design/creativity. the front & back are reversed b&w's of each other.
Self-Promo : Quote - this self-promo is designed based off of a quote. it is based off of "art is work" by milton glaser. i feel that this quote best sums up everything in a simple short sentence.
Self-Promo : Oxygen - there is another page that says 'it is my' on it. then follow 10 pages, each with a different word on it, that would look like the above page. reads as, it is my: oxygen, or it is my: intimacy. each word referring to what design is to me. my selected words are: life, oxygen, breakthrough, intimacy, craft, challenge, perogative, outlet, exhibitionism & vision.
Self-Promo : Notes - a handwritten message would be placed on one of the note pages in this promo. then it would be sent to the recipient, either before or after the interview. the magenta dot continues through all the pages regardless of content.
Self-Promo : Back - this self-promotion item is to be sent after an interview. my name & phone # are on the front & back, as well as my handprint with a magenta dot on the fingertip. the magenta represents the creativity i have within me. my point of design/creativity. the front & back are reversed b&w's of each other.
Brigitte Bushey
Graphic Designer Saint Paul, MN