This photograph "Bridge in the Park" was taken at a park in Harlan county Kentucky. The color green was has a calming effect on me.
This photograph "Ice on Trees" was taken on Black Mountain in Kentucky going into Virginia.
This photograph "Sun at Dawn" was taken in a field early in the morning while the dew was still wet, in Knoxville, TN.
The Golden Angle

A growing point, the meristem is where new stems, leaves and flowers start. A new part is called a primordium which develops and grows out from the center in a new direction forming an angle with the previous growth. The plant is engineered so that new growths are compactly arranged with no wasted space. This angle is 137.5 degrees which is called the "golden angle." Any other angle would form rows instead of spirals which would waist space. If the golden angle was missed even by one tenth of a degree it would cause the effect to be lost.
We can see from this that God is not only a marvelous artist and designer but also a mathematician of the highest order!
On meditating on the design of living things many discern a Creator who wants us to enjoy life. Of God, Ecclesiastes 3:11 says:
" He has made everything beautiful in its time.... yet mankind will never find out the work that the true God has made from start to finish." (New World Translation)
Information from "Awake!" 8/06

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Brenda Qualls
painter, photographer Knoxville, TN