
"am i ready to die and be judged in this shirt?" without religion, death is the only apocalypse. there is no final judgement, which means that our anxiety ridden attempts at becoming something are futile. this collection acknowledges the beauty in things in progress. these garments are not waiting to be judged. they are aware of the futility of fighting death; that death will not be overcome by an elaborate gown.

"what kind of space suit flatters my waist?"
how does one pack for a solo lunar mission? when clothing is removed from society, it is not longer within fashion's realm. this offers a renewed relationship between woman and garment. this is the story of that relationship.

"kan-i become the ralph lauren of the streets?" street wear is an answer to the mega brands. strip the garment to it's core. these garments don't need to fight for attention with bling. they demand attention in their attitude. anyone can hustle in an armani suit. only the notorious can hustle in a track suit.

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