Sample front and back covers from a product line of digital bundles of math activities that were housed in DVD packaging.
A 2-color flyer advertising workshops.
Unused website homepage mockup created that I both art directed and got hands-on with.
Mockups for a series of rewards cards to be used in the Utah area.
Side A of a tri-fold mailer. Illustrations done by other artist, though I did provide art direction.
Side B of a tri-fold mailer. Illustrations by other artist, though I did art direction.
One of a series of books in a product line I helped develop with a color, cohesive, dynamic feel.
One of a series of books in a product line I helped develop with a color, cohesive, dynamic feel.
One of a series of books in a product line I helped develop with a color, cohesive, dynamic feel.
One side of a mailer.
A banner slider for a website homepage.
Tabletop Display for Empty Tomb Designs
Letterhead Design for AIMS Center
Catalog Interior Page Design

Design samples ranging from a movie poster to DVD packaging to a website mockup to book covers to flyers.

Freelance, Full-time
Brock Heasley
Art Director Fresno, CA