DTY Calendar Cover - The calendar was made to feature some of the digital images I have created and to help promote myself. Each month has a piece that I have used in a design. The calendar is hung on a wall vertically with the image on the top half and the date page on the bottom. The cover image was made for the Surreal Sounds Website.
DTY Calendar Date Page - This is a sample of what the pages look like with the days of the year. I kept the pages with the dates very clean and only used black and white. This was done so as not to compete with the rich color images.
DTY Calendar Sample Image - This was a photo collage made from stock images and scanned object. It is just one of the twelve images inside the calender.
DTY Calendar Back - This is the back of the calendar, containing thumbnails of a portion of the images inside.
Design The Year Calendar
Bryan Heredia
Graphic Design Naperville, IL