WRAA Logo 1 - The Writing and Reading Assistance Area is a facility within the College of Dupage. The goal of the facility is to coach students on their writing and reading skills. It is used for those struggling with their studies and also by those who just need a little refresher. The facility also allows students to help in their coaching in order to gain experience teaching. The director of the WRAA was looking for a logo and poster design in order to help promote the facility.
WRAA Logo 2 - Their budget was small and most of their paperwork and posters will be produced via B&W copier. The first solution was to show the strong link that writing and reading have with each other in becoming a successful student. The second solution was to portray the close interaction and guidance that is given by the facility. This is the logo currently in use.
WRAA at the College of DuPage
Bryan Heredia
Graphic Design Naperville, IL