Annual La Chapeaux Dans Le Jardin Invitation - Fundraiser Invitation for The Franklin Park Botanical Garden. Held in the gardens where guests wear floral themed hats.
Log Cabin Syrup & National Parks - Discovery-Log On And Learn Kit. Print Materials for Educators directing them to a hands-on website for children to learn about Presidental historic cabins.
Pete's Tofu Pakaging - The challenge from Canada's leading tofu manufacturer for their launch in the United States was to make Tofu more appetizing and appealing to consumers. I researched recipes, Art Directed and designed eleven packages for different flavors. I also designed various collateral pieces with which to build the Pete’s Tofu brand.
Anderson's Turf Product Ad - Andersons Proturf ad-this ad was created to introduce and define a product used to protect a sports field's (specifically, golf courses) greens from snow mold. The product was primarily targeted to golf course superintendents. I designed a defining look/concept for the snow mold product, but also the new Andersons Proturf brand as a whole; one that would stand out from others in various trade publications.
Anderson's Turf Product Ad - Andersons Proturf ad-this ad was created to introduce and define a product used to protect a sports field's (specifically, golf courses) greens from snow mold. The product was primarily targeted to golf course superintendents. I designed a defining look/concept for the snow mold product, but also the new Andersons Proturf brand as a whole; one that would stand out from others in various trade publications.
Annual La Chapeaux Dans Le Jardin Invitation - Fundraiser Invitation for The Franklin Park Botanical Garden. Held in the gardens where guests wear floral themed hats.
International Paper Brochure - Art Directed/Designed this Brochure which illustrates tips on how you can print on Carolina Coated Papers. This Brochure shows examples of embossing, debossing, foils, die cuts, and varnishes for the Carolina paper line.
Kellog's Hannah Neil
Log Cabin Syrup - Log Cabin syrup, formed a partnership with the National Park Foundation to restore historic log cabins in the National Park System. To raise awareness of the program, the team did so through unique media relations programs. I art directed and designed The wooden invitation which box broke through the mail "clutter."
Amway Bug & Tar Remover - Amway Home Care Division- I created this ad for the Home Care International Distributors. I concepted and designed many ads and various collateral pieces with which to build this segment of the Amway brand. These ads were set up as a template for other Amway regions to follow, bringing a tremendous response from Amway's international market.
Amway Glass Cleaner - Amway Home Care Division- I Art Directed this ad for See Spray whose target audience are Home Care International Distributors. I concepted and designed many ads and various collateral pieces with which to build this segment of the Amway brand. These ads were set up as a template for other Amway regions to follow, bringing a tremendous response from Amway's international market.
Graphic Set
Beth Svekric
Portfolio New York, NY