
Mimic explores the possibilities of revitalizing leftovers,
and continuing a collective positive eating
experience after the celebration is over. It creates a
new way to contain and present the food, for which
the container can be a reminder of the celebration,
mimicking the original meal. It breathes new life
into an otherwise dull occasion, the consumption
of leftovers.
Mimic is a kit that is meant to be used by hosts to
make a new kind of disposable container for their
guests to transport leftovers home. It will include
a silicone mold and the recipe to create cornstarch
plastic bowls. The simple recipe combines cornstarch,
water, cooking oil, and ingredients from
the meal. The bowls can bake during the meal and
be presented to the guests as a parting gift.

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Kristen Campbell Hansen
Design & Research Contractor-Greater Good Studio Chicago, IL