Color test 1.
The images correspond to a conceptual academic work with the technique of guerilla marketing. The proposal is the dissemination of the famous reality show "Big Brother Brazil", whose slogan is known as "the most watched house of Brazil", where the privacy of the participant is televised to the whole country.

Color test 2.
The places chosen for the implementation of the proposal were cabins in toilets at mall, in order to induce a feeling of "being watched".

Color test 3.
The idea dialogues with the proposal of Reality, notwithstanding the principle of guerrilla marketing, impacting the user of these toilets, which have their privacy invaded.

Proposta final/ Final work.

Proposta final/ Final work.
Work developed in partnership with Barbara Rabelo, Camilla Lion, France and Thiago Viana Carolina, under the direction of Angela Melo.