
‘I owe my discovery to my own ignorance’, A. Graham Bell.
Every one of us is close to discovering serendipity. It’s the art of discovering, inventing or creating something which we didn’t intend. In choosing some the most well known examples of serendipity (like the discovery of America, the invention of the Velcro, penicillin, or the post-it, I tried to understand if one could transform serendipity into a method for encouraging creativity. What lesson can we learn from the unexpected? In order to respond to this question, I took my inspiration from scientific research in order to develop a method of research relating to graphic arts, divided into three areas: Research – Observation – Deduction.
Serendipity becomes a important tool for stimulating creativity, and above all, curiosity and discovery.
‘It is important to keep your two eyes open, one for what we are looking for, and the other for what we are not looking for’. D.Bourcier & P. van Andel.

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Caroline de Testa
Graphic designer San Francisco, CA