cube - A conceptual celebration of the cube's relative symmetry where every planar view consistently displays inscribed squares, but any other view displays a variety of other geometrical shapes.
cube - A conceptual celebration of the cube's relative symmetry where every planar view consistently displays inscribed squares, but any other view displays a variety of other geometrical shapes.
cube - A conceptual celebration of the cube's relative symmetry where every planar view consistently displays inscribed squares, but any other view displays a variety of other geometrical shapes.
cube - A conceptual celebration of the cube's relative symmetry where every planar view consistently displays inscribed squares, but any other view displays a variety of other geometrical shapes.
cube - A conceptual celebration of the cube's relative symmetry where every planar view consistently displays inscribed squares, but any other view displays a variety of other geometrical shapes.
cube - A conceptual celebration of the cube's relative symmetry where every planar view consistently displays inscribed squares, but any other view displays a variety of other geometrical shapes.

A conceptual piece celebrating the planar symmetry of a cube

1 inch box tube steel

Celeste Glavin
Product Design New York, NY