A spot of global bother. Since the human race is soon going to see the end of the ‘Oil Age’ it would only be fitting to produce an iconic and slightly horrid reminder of those times. The table takes its basic form from the base of a tree combined with the glossy glamor of a polished black plastic surface.
A spot of global bother. Since the human race is soon going to see the end of the ‘Oil Age’ it would only be fitting to produce an iconic and slightly horrid reminder of those times. The table takes its basic form from the base of a tree combined with the glossy glamor of a polished black plastic surface.
Since the human race is soon going to see the end of the ‘Oil Age’ it would only be fitting to produce an iconic and slightly horrid reminder of those times. Go the website to see more www.charlie-davidson.com The table were gonna make takes its basic form from the base of a tree combined with the glossy glamor of a polished black plastic surface.
Peak Oil

Peak OIl

Charlie Davidson
Charlie Davidson Studio Gothenberg, Sweden