The Charles Collection Stretch Clock - silicone rubber, styrene, and urethane plastic; 12”x12”x4”; 2008. The rubber face of this clock is a novel approach to a traditional form. Stretched at the corners to attach to four plastic pegs screwed directly into the wall, it is able to take any configuration within a 12”x12” area. All the components are made entirely by hand in mass produced quantities by the designer. It is currently available in all 50 states and abroad at retail outlets such as: Chiasso, Uncommon Goods, The Daily Grommet, NuSpace (Canada), and RECREA (France).
The Charles Collection Stretch Clock - silicone rubber, styrene, and urethane plastic; 12”x12”x4”; 2008. The rubber face of this clock is a novel approach to a traditional form. Stretched at the corners to attach to four plastic pegs screwed directly into the wall, it is able to take any configuration within a 12”x12” area. All the components are made entirely by hand in mass produced quantities by the designer. It is currently available in all 50 states and abroad at retail outlets such as: Chiasso, Uncommon Goods, The Daily Grommet, NuSpace (Canada), and RECREA (France).
The Charles Collection Stretch Clock - silicone rubber, styrene, and urethane plastic; 12”x12”x4”; 2008. The rubber face of this clock is a novel approach to a traditional form. Stretched at the corners to attach to four plastic pegs screwed directly into the wall, it is able to take any configuration within a 12”x12” area. All the components are made entirely by hand in mass produced quantities by the designer. It is currently available in all 50 states and abroad at retail outlets such as: Chiasso, Uncommon Goods, The Daily Grommet, NuSpace (Canada), and RECREA (France).
Stretch Clock
Charles Heydinger
Designer and Educator Savannah, GA