Product packaging was designed to show user all angles of the headphones without ever having to open the box. Model specs and features are displayed on the back to give user necessary information for purchasing.
Included in the packaging with the Wave Connect headphones is a product booklet that includes: -Model specs -User controls -Specs for other models in product line -Wave Connect App user manual
Wave Connect Headphones

The BLUEWAVE Connect line delivers high fidelity sound coupled with a customizable user experience. Specialized Sound Profiling, Bluetooth connectivity, and our WAVE CONNECT App allow you to listen and share your music like never before.

As a firm, Nick, Anthony, Colin, and I created a line of hi-tech headphones designed for audiophiles.

All CAD models done by Nick Friez. Physical model made by Anthony Maladra and Colin Heston.

Chloe Muller
Industrial Design Student Philadelphia, PA