Simplemail - The results of a research project into inclusive design, the SimplEmail device is an Inclusive email reader/writer designed to address limited physical capabilties of older adults to complete a simple digital task. Many adjustable settings allow customising to suit individuals' limitations whilst remaining suitable for any user without specific needs.
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Simplemail - Inclusive email reader/writer designed to address limited physical capabilties of older adults to complete a simple digital task. Many adjustable settings allow customising to suit individuals' limitations if any.
WiPak Exhibition Poster - Wireless music format - wirelessly transfer files and begin automatic playback of music on a range of devices. A Physical media format with extra visuals to increase exclusivity and pride in your personal music collection.
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WiPak Packaging Prototypes - ...from the end of year graduate exhibition
Braun Coffee Maker Concept - In response to a Braun policy case study, a new long term strategy was devised that addressed changing consumer tastes and awareness of 'design quality'. This coffee maker represents the proposed visual and material changes of the new strategy beginning to be applied.
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Community Farm Project 2010 - The posters demonstrate a worst case scenario for 2050 in order to communicate the need for the UK to move towards self-sufficiency in food production as the global population inevitably increases. Demand for food will go up as environmental issues affect production and transportation. Becoming self sufficient now rather than later can help change our behaviour in time to ensure food distribution if fair in the future.
Community Farm Project 2010 - The posters demonstrate a worst case scenario for 2050 in order to communicate the need for the UK to move towards self-sufficiency in food production as the global population inevitably increases. Demand for food will go up as environmental issues affect production and transportation. Becoming self sufficient now rather than later can help change our behaviour in time to ensure food distribution if fair in the future.
Quick Guitar Pedal Concept
Luxury Buffet Set - A drink focussed buffet set intended for use at high profile launch events for new Smirnoff products. 2nd year University design & prototype project, the weight of the premium glass drinks vessel is placed near to the hand to reduce fatigue and allow heavier material use.
Other Projects
Chris Huggins
Experienced Product Design Graduate London/Cambridge, United Kingdom