Reception Table - Sketches and CG renderings of a small table for office reception areas. These flexible tables are clustered in groups of four, and can be used individually. Want to see the full application? Invite me to an interview.
6'x6' Workstation - During the development of Steelcase's Pathways system, the designers wanted to work within the prototype space-division products. We were given the opportunity to design our own furniture with a constraint of fitting within a 6'x6' footprint--very small. My concerns were storage (go vertical), work surface area (double up), and worker orientation (I don't want my back to the entrance while on the computer). It was a fun experiment and I hated giving up my station when it was over.
Organizer Furniture - Early exploration concept for providing Pathways workstations with worktool accessories.
GroupWork - These are idea sketches from a joint Steelcase/IDEO project called GroupWork, furniture for project teams. Our focus was the display, manipulation and storage of information in group settings. Want to see more? Ask me over for an interview.
Conjunction Media Cabinet - A media technology center for Pathways Conjunction post and beam system. The cabinet is intended to house video and teleconferencing equipment. The doors are surfaced with marker board material.