Cardboard Chair with Desk - RISD chair project make a chair out of one sheet of cardboard without glue, tape, or any other materials. The chair must also fold into an easy to carry rectangle (11"x17") and hold 180 pounds.
Cardboard Chair - RISD chair project make a chair out of one sheet of cardboard without glue, tape, or any other materials. The chair must fold into an easy to carry rectangle (11"x17") and hold 180 pounds.
Gigantics:Toucan Legs - assignment: make a small object gigantic!
Studio Ceiling - drawn looking up at the ceiling of the drawing studio freshman foundation drawing
Figure Study 1
Figure Study 2
Figure Study 3
First Freshman Drawing Projects
Bird and tiny bear - A tiny bear eats a large bird
Grid Project: Documenting Meals - I photographed what I ate from the school cafe for a 2D project
RISD Studio Projects
Freelance, Full-time
Claire Bushey
Graphics Designer (Graphic Design, Apparel, Technical) VERNON ROCKVL, CT