1. Dorian - we are being watched - Dorian, a project undertaken in collaboration with Tara Whelan, is a new type of health monitor which takes advantage of existing surveillance and monitoring information.
Dorian gives you a living picture of your overall health and wellbeing by subjecting a plant to the same abuse or care you provide for your own body and mind.

2. Dorian - the system - Dorian uses a complex system of RFID & SMART technology, as well as accessing your spending, telephone use & in-house sensor activity. This allows it to monitor all aspects of your life, including your social life,eating habits, exercise,sex life,performance at work & intake of alcohol/drugs.
It then processes this information into precise instructions on the delivery of water, light & minerals to your plant's hydroponic system - showing the results of your lifestyle as inflicted on the plant.

3. Dorian - layout