1. Interactive Health Monitor - This project was focused on the problem of accessible interfaces in electronic goods for elderly people.
I created an interactive scarf that allows senior citizens to monitor their own day to day health and allowing more extensive medical statistics to be recorded for health practitioners.

3. Accessible, intuitive interface - The product allows the wearer to easily access their own daily health statistics, allowing them to become familiar with and monitor their own body rhythms.
This feature could be particularly useful in the treatment of long term illnesses or conditions which require constant monitoring, enriching the information available to GP's and other medical practitioners.

2. Scarf layout - Based on wearable technology developed by MIT (see the MIThril Livenet system), the scarf uses a number of sensors placed around the neck to monitor vital signs.
Solar-powered batteries maintain the sensors, GPS and display.

4. Simple interface provides daily health statIstics - The scarf collects data from the sensors and displays the current body temperature and heartrate information.
This display also includes a large SOS button which can be pressed in case of a medical emergency or personal security threat.

5. Shows stats for previous days - Further information is available on each of the health categories, including a daily average for the past few days.
This should allow patients to notice any major changes in their day to day vital signs.

6. Alert function in case of emergency - In the event of a medical emergency,when unusual or dangerous bio-readings are recorded, the scarf will automatically alert a medical professional/ambulance call-out service.
The GPS tracker present in the product will allow the wearer to be found by emergency services.
Activating the SOS button will have the same effect.