Thinking of You Network - allows communication between different media - The album becomes part of a communication system connected to its Thinking of You alert wristband, mobile phones, Blackberries and other Thinking of You albums via SMS (Short Message Service) technology and to computers and devices all over the world using SMS or HDSPCA via the internet.
This allows the user to overcome technological and interface barriers present in other consumer electronics in order to stay in touch with loved ones.

Thinking of You - digital photo album/communication device - This concept is a system which allows family members of friends to send simple, non verbal messages to each other.
It lets the users know that someone is thinking of them, but does so in a subtle, tacit manner.
The aim is to fulfil the simple human need to feel wanted, cared for and connected to loved ones.

Thinking of You, layout - The system includes:
-Antibacterial coating
-Large touchscreen interface
-Ports for connecting cameras and memory cards
-Simple power requirements
-Ports for connectivity with PC's
-Zoom screen for viewing received messages
-Graphics tablet for sending handwritten messages

Changeable covers allow customisation - This concept is a system which allows family members of friends to send simple, non verbal messages to each other.
It lets the users know that someone is thinking of them, but does so in a subtle, tacit manner.
The aim is to fulfil the simple human need to feel wanted, cared for and connected to loved ones.