Brabants Kwartiertje - Most important of all in the Dutch province of North-Brabant is the human dimension. For example the well known ´Brabants Kwartiertje´ (Brabant quarter-hour). That doesn’t mean being late for an appointment, it means giving people the attention they deserve. In practice, this subtle watch or clock gives you a moment to focus on what’s really important: time for each other.
Brabants Kwartiertje - Most important of all in the Dutch province of North-Brabant is the human dimension. For example the well known ´Brabants Kwartiertje´ (Brabant quarter-hour). That doesn’t mean being late for an appointment, it means giving people the attention they deserve. In practice, this subtle watch or clock gives you a moment to focus on what’s really important: time for each other.
Brabants Kwartiertje - Most important of all in the Dutch province of North-Brabant is the human dimension. For example the well known ´Brabants Kwartiertje´ (Brabant quarter-hour). That doesn’t mean being late for an appointment, it means giving people the attention they deserve. In practice, this subtle watch or clock gives you a moment to focus on what’s really important: time for each other.
Brabants Kwartiertje
Coen van Ham
COEN! Eindhoven, Netherlands