Rubb Natural Bath & Beauty Logo - This logo was designed for a new bath and beauty product store that opened in Connecticut.
AZ Tech Logo - AZ Tech, Inc is a magnet wire company that needed a new look for their company. We began by redesigning their logo.
Campus Del Sur, Logo - Campus Del Sur is a Spanish language school in Cadiz, Spain. I was asked to design a logo and identity for their new school.
Beer Madness 2010 Logo - A mini-beer madness festival in Baltimore, MD asked me to design a logo. Pretty self explanatory.
FDNY Triathlon Logo - A New York Fire Fighter asked me to help with the logo design for the new annual FDNY Triathlon. A gear of a bike (for biking) is on fire (for the Fire Fighters), with a wave symbolizing water, and a road symbolizing running.
Focalin, Moments Program Logo - The ADHD drug, Focalin, ran a program called Everyday Moments for which I designed the logo. The pink color is one of the Focalin colors and the design is meant to emulate a sunrise to show every day is a new day for which a child has the potential to have a small moment that makes a difference in their life.
Interior Decorator Business Card - Interior Decorator's business card.
Music Business Card - Music is a music editing company based in London, UK.
100th Birthday personalized card
100th Birthday personalized card
100th Birthday personalized card
80th Birthday Card Personalized
80th Birthday Card Personalized
80th Birthday Card Personalized
80th Birthday Card Personalized
80th Birthday Card Personalized
80th Birthday Card Personalized
Stationery and Logos
Colleen Phillips-Isley
Art Director San Francisco, CA