"Idiot" - Pop-a-Lock - These billboard ads were done for a local locksmith company with copywriters, Lori McNabb and David Oakley. It seemed fitting to use an image of a bent up coat hanger for the billboard's border.

"Yugo" - Pop-a-Lock - These billboard ads were done for a local locksmith company with copywriters, Lori McNabb and David Oakley. It seemed fitting to use an image of a bent up coat hanger for the billboard's border.

"Bright Side" - Pop-a-Lock - These billboard ads were done for a local locksmith company with copywriters, Lori McNabb and David Oakley. It seemed fitting to use an image of a bent up coat hanger for the billboard's border.

"Job"- The Clayground - Print ads done for a local pottery shop in Charlotte with copywriter, Lori McNabb. These ads were speaking to older clients and a sense of humor was helpful.

"Ashtray" - The Clayground - Print ads done for a local pottery shop in Charlotte with copywriter, Lori McNabb. These ads were speaking to older clients and a sense of humor was helpful.

"Taj Mahal" - Stone & Webster - Part of a series of six ads done with copywriter, Tony Kelso for engineering firm, Stone and Webster.
Copy Reads:
"We turn monumental challenges into magnificent solutions."

"Rome" - Stone & Webster - Part of a series of six ads done with copywriter, Tony Kelso for engineering firm, Stone and Webster.
Copy Reads:
"Build on our name and beat your competition."

"Machu Picchu" - Stone & Webster - Part of a series of six ads done with copywriter, Tony Kelso for engineering firm, Stone and Webster.
Copy Reads:
"With our resources, you can build the impossible."

"Nails" - In Your Ear - Client work for In Your Ear Productions in Richmond, Virginia. Ads done with copywriter, Jonathan Kaler.
Copy reads:
"PEIRCE the clutter. Pound the brain. Penetrate the mind." "Music, sound design, metal spikes."
Ads done for In Your Ear which is a sound studio in Richmond, VA used by many creative shops.

"Cherry Bomb"- In Your Ear - Client work for In Your Ear Productions in Richmond, Virginia. Ads done with copywriter, Jonathan Kaler.
Copy reads:
"SHATTER the silence. Stir the imagination. Shock the world." "Music, sound design, explosives."
Ads done for In Your Ear which is a sound studio in Richmond, VA used by many creative shops.

"Reservations"-Ballard Designs - Print ad for Ballard Designs that appeared in Southern Accents magazine. I wanted to have a concept behind the ad. I came up with concept and copy using existing photography from the main catalog.

"Free Style"- Ballard Designs - This ad which was featured in Southern Accents magazine accompanied a registration card insert that played off the "Free Style" headline. Using existing photography from the catalog.

"Fisherman"- spec - (1 of 3) Ad in series using "Deadliest Catch" crabbing veteran, Russell Newberry. Series done with writer, Jonathan Kaler.

"Rollergirls"- spec - (2 of 3) Ad in series showing rough and tumble sport of women's roller derby. I worked on these with copywriter, Jonathan Kaler.

"Randy" - spec - (3 of 3) Ad using mixed martial arts hall-of-famer and former Ultimate Fighting Champion, Randy Couture. Series done with copywriter, Jonathan Kaler.

"Malfunction"- spec - Part of series of three ads done for Mr. Clean Magic Eraser done with copywriter, Jonathan Kaler.

"Dirty Mouth"- spec - Part of series of three ads done for Mr. Clean Magic Eraser done with copywriter, Jonathan Kaler.

"Gesture" - spec - Part of series of three ads done for Mr. Clean Magic Eraser done with copywriter, Jonathan Kaler.

"Misery"- spec - Part of three ad series done with copywriter, Jonathan Kaler, for Zyrtec allergy medicine.

"Invaders"- spec - Part of three ad series done with copywriter, Jonathan Kaler, for Zyrtec allergy medicine.

"Pests"- spec - Part of three ad series done with copywriter, Jonathan Kaler, for Zyrtec allergy medicine.