Little's Food Store logo - Mark done for a small neighborhood grocery and grill. The mark was used for signage and business cards.

Tipsy in Chelsea logo - Logo for a friend's band. She wanted a 'mod' look for the mark. This incorporated the "T" and "C" together to make the icon.

Tipsy in Chelsea logo - Some other options for the mark.
The band thought they would change the color combination for each single they released.

Dream Life Agency logo - The Dream Life Agency helps people with everything from planning parties to organizing funeral arrangements. The idea here is that it makes your life a dream. I thought what a better image than a butterfly to represent that.

Wilkins Parkinson's Foundation Logo - The client requested a sun and mountains be used for this mark.

Communitea Logo - Logo done for a teahouse in New York City.
Logo was seen on television show Gossip Girl 1st season.

Bissell Aerial Photography Logo - Logo done for JJ Bissell an aerial photographer in Charlotte, NC. It was later used in the design of a stationery set and other collateral which supported the paper airplane concept.

Lounge 47 Logo - This logo was done for a retro decorated bar
in New York City. Logo appeared on window, door, business card and menu.

Creative Lounge Logo - Logo done for the Creative Department at Ballard Designs. Applied to notepads for the department to use for daily tasks.

Creative Lounge Logo set - Color variations for logo done for the Creative Department at Ballard Designs. Applied to notepads for the department to use for daily tasks.

Uvekol Logo- UCB Chemicals - Logo done for UCB Chemicals.

Ballard Designs Logo Series - Various logos done for Ballard Designs:
Outlet Store logo; Designers Program logo; Logo for supportive-site to main company website, Style Studio; and 25th Anniversary logo

Timbervest Logo - Identification for a timberland investment company located in Atlanta, GA. Later the mark was applied to a stationary set.

E-kraft Logo - Logo for Georgia Pacific. E-kraft is an internet based ordering solution for Ga. Pacific's customers who need kraft papers for use in industrial businesses. Papers come in Yellow, brown and white. The logo was used in brochures to announce the program as well as currently online. http://www.gp.com/kraft/services.html

Carolina Raptor Center Logo

Square D Logo
Logo for Square D about light duty and heavy duty electricity needs for businesses aka: The Best of Both Worlds

TBridge Logo
Logo for TBridge a sort of concierge business that handles everything from planning a party to picking up your dry cleaning. Client wanted a retro look to the mark.