Custom Shop Landing Page- Ballard Designs - This design was using existing photography to explain a very complicated process within the Custom Shop. I simplified this message by using the "1,2,3" idea with clean images to explain how easy it was for the customer to use.
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Designers Program Homepage- Ballard Designs - This is the design of the main page once a member of the designer program was signed into their account online. The concept was a working interior decorator who used Ballard as a source for most of their design decisions.

Dining and Barstool Sale Email- Ballard Designs - Working with the existing framework most email designs happened within the frame. The challenge was to take existing photography that was taken for the print catalogue and make it work in a small space while communicating the message clearly.

Estate Sale email- Ballard Designs

Gift Wrap Button- Ballard Designs - After designing the retail gift wrap I did little buttons to advertise it.

Gift Shop Button- Ballard Designs - Button designed to take people to select items that were suitable to gift giving during the Holiday Season.

Wall Decor Collection Button- Ballard Designs - A simple and straight forward design for a button to lead customers from any page in the website to the wall decor collection within the site.

Gift Certificate Button- Ballard Designs - Gift Certificate button to advertise and lead people to a Gift Certificate portion of the main website.

With existing framework I did graphic type treatment for Ballard Designs' Estate Sale portion of the website.
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This was an email teaser to entice medical professionals about a new breakthrough medication for the treatment of AIDS. (spec)

Log in page design for patient portal on ipad. (spec)

Educational page design example for patient portal on ipad (spec)

Home page design for patient portal on ipad. Patients sees all highlights within the portal here.(spec)

Ballard Designs Banner Ads set for web - Web ads that spoke to the main brand idea of Ballard Designs. Most of the products Ballard carried were developed from actual antiques they found on trips abroad to Paris and Italy--in the flea markets. These ads were directed to people who'd never heard of the brand.