My third collage show a man that is surrounded. To the left he is being watched and to the right he is caged in but despite this, his idea flourish and grow above him, standing above the rest.
My second collage shows uniformity and strength. This is showing the workshop within my bulilding.
Exploded view of the site used in third model to show breaking free of the constraining site.
My first collage proved to be the most difficult, having to go back and redo as i wasn't happy. The idea behind this is the seperation between whats happening within the building along with many other ideas. We have the mechanical processes of the workshop below and the creative thoughts of the studio above. We have the flow within the building leading out to the Auckland Harbour which proves to bring ideas in. We have also this idea of security within the building.
Exploring Ideas
Exploring Ideas
Exploring Ideas
Exploring Ideas
Exploring Ideas
Exploring ideas
Exploring ideas
Exploring ideas
Exploring ideas
Conceptual Collage 1 - examining the idea of structure
Conceptual Collage 2
Programme Collages

Collage which explores the programme of my building to be designed and developed.